
My TypeScript Node.js Starter

MIT License


My TypeScript Node.js Starter

When I start a new project, I notice that I end up writing the same configurations every time. So, I decided to move them to a separate repository. Now, when I start a new project, I simply clone this repository and enjoy the development process without spending time on setup.

If you like my basic configuration setup, feel free to use it in your own projects!


  • TypeScript Configuration: Includes TypeScript settings for a smooth development experience.
  • Prettier: Code formatting setup to keep your code clean and consistent.
  • ESLint: Linting configuration to enforce coding standards and catch potential issues.
  • Commitlint: Ensures that your commit messages follow the conventional commit format.
  • Husky: Manages Git hooks for pre-commit and other Git-related tasks.
  • Release-It: Automates versioning and release process.

Getting Started

Before starting work on the project, please take a moment to review its structure. You can customize it to fit your needs. For example, if you have a different directory structure, you can adjust the paths for source files by replacing lib with src or any other directory you use.

  1. Clone the Repository:

    git clone
  2. Navigate to the Project Directory:

    cd my-ts-node-starter
  3. Install Dependencies:

    npm install
  4. Start Developing:

    You can now start developing your project !


Here are some useful scripts available in this project:

  • Build:

    npm run build

    Compiles the TypeScript code using tsc.

  • Prettier:

    npm run prettier

    Checks code formatting using Prettier.

  • Prettier: Fix:

    npm run prettier:fix

    Automatically fixes code formatting issues using Prettier.

  • Lint:

    npm run lint

    Lints code using ESLint.

  • Lint: Fix:

    npm run lint:fix

    Automatically fixes linting issues using ESLint.

  • Prepare:

    npm run prepare

    Installs Git hooks using Husky.

  • Release:

    npm run release

    Automates the versioning and release process using Release-It.


Feel free to submit issues and pull requests if you find any bugs or have suggestions for improvements.

Happy coding!

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