
Utilities functions for Node.js chaincode on Hyperledger Fabric blockchain

MIT License


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This repository consists out of a set of utilities functions which can be used to create Node.js chaincode on a Fabric blockchain network. Node.js chaincode is only supported since Hyperledger Fabric 1.1.0.


This Library exposes 2 main classes and some useful utilities.


ChaincodeBase is a super class that can be used for all your Node.js chaincode. It has a default implementation for Invoke that catches the transaction and redirect it to the right function with parameter on the Chaincode class. It also reads the respond from the function and wraps it into a shim.error() when an error was thrown or a shim.success() when a regular object was returned from the function. By extending this class you don't need to worry anymore about the Chaincode details.

An instance of fabric-shim needs to be passed as an argument on the constructor. This is required to ensure that both the chaincode as the ChaincodeBase use the same version. To ensure compatibility fabric-shim is set as a peer dependency of this package.

const shim = require('fabric-shim');

const FooChaincode = class extends ChaincodeBase {

    constructor() {

    async yourFunction(stub, txHelper, param1, param2) {

        this.logger.info('execution of yourFunction!');

        return {
            'foo': 'bar'


shim.start(new FooChaincode());

when a function is called the stub is given together with the params. But also a txHelper is provided, a wrapper around the stub with a lot of helpful functions (see TransactionHelper).

ChaincodeBase has a default logger that you can use which is prefixed with the ChaincodeName (the classname in the case of the example 'chaincode/FooChaincode').

Furthermore the ChaincodBase class exposes some default behaviour for your Chaincode:


A simple function that you can use to ping your chaincode, by using this you can see that the chaincode is working properly and is accessible. When everything is ok this chaincode function should return 'pong'.


There is a migration system build in that will read the migration files <chaincodepath>/migrations/Version-yyyyMMddhhmmss.js where yyyyMMddhhmmss stands for the date the migration was made. hyperledger-fabric-chaincode-dev-setup has a good helper command build in for creating this migration files.

When you trigger the migrations all migration files since the last execution of the command will be executed. The date of the last execution is stored in the state db.

A migration file needs expose a function like this:

module.exports = async function migrate(contract, stub, txHelper, args) {
    // migrate your data here ...


The TransactionHelper is a wrapper class around the stub class of Hyperledger Fabric. That has some helper functions build in and some wrappers around functions from the stub class.

const txHelper = new TransactionHelper(stub)


-> FOO_5b8460e25e1892ceaf658b3e41d06a9933831806cbbd5fc49ccfbccda4d8bbaa_0
-> FOO_5b8460e25e1892ceaf658b3e41d06a9933831806cbbd5fc49ccfbccda4d8bbaa_1

This function will return a unique key that can be used to store something to the state database. The key will exists out of the prefix, the transaction id and a sequence number. All the DBKeys generated within the same Transaction will have the same txid.

Invoke chaincode

invokeChaincode(chaincodeName, functionName, args = undefined, channel = undefined)

A helper function around the invokeChaincode of the stub that will throw a ChaincodeError if the invocation failed or return the parsed result when it succeeded.

Invoked by chaincode

invokedByChaincode(chaincodeName, functionName = undefined)

Check if the current invocation is invoked from another chaincode. It's also possible to check if it was invoked from a particular function within that chaincode.

Execute query and return list


Execute the given query on the state db and return the results as an array containing of objects [{key: '', record: {}}].

Delete results returned by query


Delete all records returned by that query.


putState(key, value)

Helper functions to put and get state from the database, that will handle the serialisation/deserialisation of the values.

Transaction Date


Return the Date of the transaction as a Javascript Date Object.

Creator Public Key


Returns the Public Key from the Transaction creator as a SHA3 256 Hash.

Publish Event

setEvent(name, payload)

Wraps the payload into a Buffer and then calls setEvent on the stub.


Exposes some utilities that are used by the ChaincodeBase and can be useful for other parts of the chaincode as well.


const {logger} = require('@kunstmaan/hyperledger-fabric-node-chaincode-utils').utils;
const myLogger = logger.getLogger('myLogger');

Can be used to create a log4j logger object that prefixes the logs with a certain name. It reads the CHAINCODE_LOGGING_LEVEL environment variable to set the right log level (critical, error, warning, debug). The default value is debug.

Normalize Payload

const {normalizePayload} = require('@kunstmaan/hyperledger-fabric-node-chaincode-utils').utils;
normalizePayload({'foo': 'bar'});

The function used by invoke to normalize the payload before returning the payload back to the client. This will normalize Javascript Date Objects to a UNIX timestamp.


const {identity} = require('@kunstmaan/hyperledger-fabric-node-chaincode-utils').utils;

Exposes helper functions to get the public key from the Transaction.


const {migrations} = require('@kunstmaan/hyperledger-fabric-node-chaincode-utils').utils;
migrations.runMigrations(migrationsDir, contract, stub, txHelper, args);

Exposes the function used to run the migrations. It also exposes the key MIGRATION_STATE_KEY on which the date is stored when the last migrations where run.


const {db} = require('@kunstmaan/hyperledger-fabric-node-chaincode-utils').utils;
// Converts a db query result into an array of objects