
Android app made for complete solution during Covid-19 and Quarantine.

MIT License


Hack Covid-19

Android app made for complete solution during Covid-19 and Quarantine.

  • Get exact stats for corona spread in different countries and different states of India.
  • Get the percentage of Risk in your state during app startup.
  • Know who is infected in your area in a range of 5Km.
  • Report for any person who is infected with corona in your locality.
  • Locate the exact location of house of infected people in your locality.
  • Get details of Medical Stores, Fruit and vegetables store or any other essential stores which open on particular day during quarantine.
  • Generate your family pass for one person for going out during quarantine.
  • Get Helpline numbers of different states.
  • Know the symptoms of Corona and how you can prevent it.

Application is available here:

Tech used

  • Android
  • Java
  • Firebase Firestore
  • Model-View-Viewmodel Architecture
  • Navigation component
  • Retrofit 2
  • GSON
  • Glide
  • ButterKnife
  • Firebase Analytics


  • Location/GPS


  • Android version 5.0 and above


To Setup the project properly add the following to local.properties under Gradle Scripts

GOOGLE_MAP_KEY="Add your google map api key"


This project is currently licensed under the MIT License A copy of LICENSE should be present along with the source code.