
🗞 News Up is an 📱Android Application to fetch Latest 📰Short News in 😁different categories to keep you updated. 📲Built using with MVVM Architecture 🔥

MIT License


News Up

NewsUp in a News reading application which enables you to read the most popular news daily and don't miss any latest national and international news. This application lets you know the latest news from various news media all over the world.

App Link

You can directly download the latest version of the app from the play store.


Get Latest updated News.

News Available in different categories depending upon the choice of Users.

Short News to save your time.

Built Using latest Material UI design components.

Get National as well as International News.

Enables to bookmark news Items so user can easily read when they want.

Simple Phone number Login to keep the Users Authenticated.

Tech Used

  • Android
  • News Api
  • Kotlin
  • Room Database
  • Retrofit
  • Live Data
  • Coroutines
  • Glide
  • MVVM
  • Google Analytics

Screen Shots


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You can find the LICENSE for the app here.

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