
ConnectLearn is a simple and efficient Open Source Platform written to connect students and teachers better with each other.





With Docker

  • git clone
  • cd connectlearn/src and definitely change Secret key's value to something random before putting it to production!
  • Set up src/.env to add your SMTP email and Password.
  • sudo docker-compose up
  • Visit on your browser.
    If you don't have docker and docker-compose installed, Try Docker Installation and sudo apt install docker-compose

Build Locally

  • Repeat the first three steps
$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt
$ export FLASK_APP=src
$ chmod +x ./src/
$ ./src/
$ chmod +x ./
$ ./
  • Visit on your browser.


This project has reached a point where I need to define a proper aim for it. I have noticed that there might be a market for very nich genres and topics that people might want to connect teachers and students better in. I want this project to be a tool they can use for just that! We will try our best to move forward in such a direction that it is more easily customisable and flexible.


  • Login/Register/Sign Out functionality image

  • User Profile Management Along with Profile Picture Uploading Functionality For Teachers + Image Cropping image

  • Here is how the image cropping looks like image

  • Main page where students can search for teachers accordingly and filter them by Cost, Language, Most Recent/Oldest, Username, Teacher Description etc. image

  • Teacher profiles students can visit with a separate description for their profile that is different than the one that appears in listing page/search results. image

  • Contact button using which the student's message is sent to the teacher through email. Only 1 button usage/User is allowed for the students. The student can check a box which also sends in their phone number in the email. image

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