
NFS-based Go locking service - distributed locking for pennies

GPL-2.0 License



Distributed locking for pennies.

distrilock is a daemon that leverages Linux POSIX filesystem locks and is compatible with NFSv4 mountpoints. It does not use anything else that a Linux filesystem to enforce locking with fcntl; locks persistence is tied 1:1 with connection persistence e.g. no leases.

A typical deployment would consist of one or more distrilock daemons running on different hosts and sharing the same directory as an NFSv4 mountpoint.

distrilock daemons run on the following ports depending on type of service:

  • distrilock: port 40800 (TCP)
  • distrilock-ws: port 40801 (HTTP websockets)

Release post on medium: https://medium.com/@gdm85/distributed-locking-for-pennies-distrilock-967347e7f2dd

Terminology and basic functionality

A daemon is a distrilock server-side daemon listening for incoming connections - either TCP or Websockets.

A client is the client connecting to a daemon; to each client corresponds one session when the connection is estabilished.

Each session can acquire one more named locks; the connection fundamental to the session is kept alive with TCP keep-alive functionality; if such connection is interrupted or closed, the lock is immediately released and lost.

How (distributed) locking works

  1. the daemon instance tracks multiple named locks per session (= connection), which correspond to an individual file
  2. client requests lock acquisition through daemon, if viable a fcntl write lock is acquired on the corresponding file and lock is returned as successful
  3. client performs some work within the locked context
  4. client releases lock through daemon, the fcntl write lock is released on the open file which is then closed and deleted


The daemon is effectively limited by the maximum number of open file descriptors and TCP connections that can be held; one file descriptor for the lock and one for the TCP connection will be necessary at anytime. An informational message is printed when the daemon process has maximum 1024 or less file descriptors available.

The client is affected only by the TCP connections and one file descriptor per TCP connection limitation.

NFSv4 specific notes

The default local_lock=none must be part of your mountpoint options; version 4 of the NFS protocol is necessary.


After cloning the repository and putting it in an independent GOPATH directory structure, run:

$ make
if ! ls vendor/github.com/ogier/pflag/* 2>/dev/null >/dev/null; then git submodule update --init --recursive; fi
mkdir -p bin
GOBIN="/home/gdm85/.../go-distrilock/bin" go install ./cli ./cli/distrilock ./api ./api/client ./api/core ./api/client/tcp ./cli/distrilock-ws ./api/client/ws
scripts/run-tests.sh ./cli ./cli/distrilock ./api ./api/client ./api/core ./api/client/tcp ./cli/distrilock-ws ./api/client/ws
Running all tests
distrilock: listening on :63419
distrilock: listening on :63420
distrilock-ws: listening on localhost:63519
distrilock-ws: listening on localhost:63520
?   	github.com/gdm85/distrilock/cli	[no test files]
?   	github.com/gdm85/distrilock/cli/distrilock	[no test files]
?   	github.com/gdm85/distrilock/api	[no test files]
ok  	github.com/gdm85/distrilock/api/client	0.017s
?   	github.com/gdm85/distrilock/api/core	[no test files]
?   	github.com/gdm85/distrilock/api/client/tcp	[no test files]
?   	github.com/gdm85/distrilock/cli/distrilock-ws	[no test files]
?   	github.com/gdm85/distrilock/api/client/ws	[no test files]

The following binaries will be available in bin/ directory:

  • distrilock (TCP daemon)
  • distrilock-ws (Websockets daemon)


Test targets will start multiple distrilock daemons and terminate them at end of test run. Normal tests (make test) are executed by default when building; in order to execute the NFS-specific tests, provide the following changes:

  • add a host called sibling in your /etc/hosts pointing to a second machine running NFSv4
  • run tests with NFS_SHARE=/mnt/your-nfs-share make test

Race condition tests:

$ make race

Benchmark tests:

$ make benchmark


Default (no timewait reuse/recycling):

BenchmarkLocksTaking/TCP_clients_suite-4         	   10000	    525924 ns/op
BenchmarkLocksTaking/Websockets_binary_clients_suite-4         	    3000	    706655 ns/op
BenchmarkLocksTaking/Websockets_text_clients_suite-4           	    5000	    462627 ns/op
BenchmarkLocksTaking/TCP_clients_suite_concurrency-safe-4      	    1000	   2443507 ns/op
BenchmarkLocksTaking/Websockets_binary_clients_suite_concurrency-safe-4         	    3000	    710488 ns/op
BenchmarkLocksTaking/Websockets_text_clients_suite_concurrency-safe-4           	    5000	    518831 ns/op

With TCP timewait recycling sysctl -w net.ipv4.tcp_tw_recycle=1:

BenchmarkLocksTaking/TCP_clients_suite-4         	   10000	    302553 ns/op
BenchmarkLocksTaking/Websockets_binary_clients_suite-4         	    3000	    689159 ns/op
BenchmarkLocksTaking/Websockets_text_clients_suite-4           	    5000	    425821 ns/op
BenchmarkLocksTaking/TCP_clients_suite_concurrency-safe-4      	   10000	    309075 ns/op
BenchmarkLocksTaking/Websockets_binary_clients_suite_concurrency-safe-4         	    3000	    683702 ns/op
BenchmarkLocksTaking/Websockets_text_clients_suite_concurrency-safe-4           	    5000	    433064 ns/op

With TCP timewait reuse sysctl -w net.ipv4.tcp_tw_reuse=1:

BenchmarkLocksTaking/TCP_clients_suite-4         	   10000	    309728 ns/op
BenchmarkLocksTaking/Websockets_binary_clients_suite-4         	    3000	    689373 ns/op
BenchmarkLocksTaking/Websockets_text_clients_suite-4           	    5000	    439981 ns/op
BenchmarkLocksTaking/TCP_clients_suite_concurrency-safe-4      	   10000	    307191 ns/op
BenchmarkLocksTaking/Websockets_binary_clients_suite_concurrency-safe-4         	    3000	    740121 ns/op
BenchmarkLocksTaking/Websockets_text_clients_suite_concurrency-safe-4           	    5000	    450616 ns/op

NOTE: these benchmarks run on same host, thus they do not correspond to a realistic scenario where the daemon would be running on a separate host.

Other Makefile targets

  • godoc runs a local godoc HTTP server to explore package documentation.
  • godoc-static will store locally in docs/ directory the HTML files for godoc package documentation.
  • codeqa runs various code quality measurements like go vet, golint and errcheck.
  • simplify formats and simplifies Go source of this project.
  • docker-image builds a docker image for distrilock and distrilock-ws

How to use

Use one of the available daemons:

$ bin/distrilock --help
Usage: distrilock [--address=:13123] [--directory=.]
$ bin/distrilock-ws --help
Usage: distrilock [--address=:13124] [--directory=.]

Two deamons can point to the same directory - even across hosts, if using NFSv4 - if the operative system is POSIX compliant.

Client side

Three types of clients are available:

  • TCP, only with bin/distrilock
  • Websockets with binary messages, only with bin/distrilock-ws
  • Websockets with text (JSON) messages, only with bin/distrilock-ws

If you wish to use a client in a concurrency-safe fashion, wrap it with concurrent.New; this would allow to save the time of the TCP connection setup and re-use the connection.

A minimal example is available in example/main.go.


Is the TCP/Websocket client concurrency-safe?

No. One TCP/websocket client corresponds to one session, which in turn corresponds to one connection; TCP/websocket connections are not safe to use across goroutines.

If you need a concurrency-safe client, use the provided wrapper client in client/concurrent as in:

	// create a regular client
	c := tcp.New(addr, time.Second*3, time.Second*3, time.Second*3)

	// wrap it
	c = concurrent.New(c)

The concurrency wrapper simply adds a sync.Mutex lock/unlock before each method of the client.Client interface.

Shall I use one client for all locks or one client for each lock?

It matters only if you plan to acquire a lot of locks from a single process. The server-side lock acquisition bottleneck will always be there regardless of what type of client you use. When creating many clients, keep in mind TCP connections limits and file descriptor limits.

How can I implement something like leases or expiration context?

Don't. If connection with the daemon is interrupted, you also have to stop assuming that the lock that was being used is still granted to your client.

For an usage pattern sensible to network interruptions, see the use of Verify() in the provided example example/main.go.

What about a gRPC client/server?

Go gRPC clients have complex retry policies and generally cannot satisfy the persistence requirement.

Other possible improvements

  • the internal map sports a sync.RWMutex that optimizes reads; however, read optimizations are only effective if you have a high number of collisions against the same daemon instance; an option to disable RLock could be provided for the rest of scenarios
  • F_SETLKW for waiting (and thus queue buildup) could be implemented, although it might need some thread trickery for the use of signals which would not be trivial in Go
  • TCP-level improvements: possibility to use SO_REUSEADDR when connecting to a TCP/Websockets daemon (currently not possible in Go: https://github.com/golang/go/issues/9661)
  • TCP-level improvements: SO_FASTOPEN support




Thanks to the people that implemented POSIX locks in Linux and NFSv4; the man 2 fcntl page and the online sources that you can find in 'Relevant links' section were helpful in understanding and prototyping.

Relevant links

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