
Redis MemoLock - Distributed Caching with Promises

MIT License


Redis MemoLock

Redis MemoLock - Distributed Caching with Promises

Check out my talk at NDC Oslo 2019 where I showcase the C# implementation of redis-memolock!

What is a MemoLock?

A MemoLock is a form of distributed caching with promises. It's like memoization, but since the cache is shared by multiple consumers, each key has a locking mechanism that ensures that multiple concurrent requests for the same resource don't cause unnecessary work.

While I claim to have come up with the name, the concept is not new (as always), here you can read about Instagram having a similar concept in their architecture, and before them many others have approached the subject via r/w-through caches and other methods.

The implementations in this repository use Redis to cache values and Redis Pub/Sub to resolve promises across the network. Since Redis can be replicated and clustered, you can take this library up to any scale.



It works across different languages A client only needs a Redis client library and knowledge of the key naming scheme in use, and is able to generate/resolve promises with any other.


No polling or other wasteful patterns, and it can scale efficiently in a clustered deployment. This is something that Redis is in a unique position to provide.


It tries to ensure that useless work doesn't happen but, being part of a distributed system, there is no strong guarantee, as it would necessarily require much more coordination and, consequently, lead to lower scalability and lower ease of use. It tries to get a good tradeoff in that regard. Read more in later sections.

How does it work?

  1. As a service instance, when we need to fetch likes for kristoff (i.e. likes:kristoff), we look for it in Redis.
    If it's there, we're done.
  2. If the key is not present, we try to acquire likes/lock:kristoff using SET with NX.
    The NX option will ensure that in case of concurrent requests, only one will be able to set the key succesfully.
  3. If we are able to acquire the lock, it means that it's our job to generate the value (e.g. fetch it from DB).
    Once we're done, we save it to Redis and send a message on a Pub/Sub channel called likes/notif:kristoff
    to notify all other potentially awaiting clients that the value is now available.
  4. If we were not able to acquire the lock, we just subscribe to likes/notif:kristoff.
    The service instance that succeeded in locking the resource to notify us that the value is now available
    (as described in the previous step).

This is a high level description of what redis-memolock does for you.

In practice, to get the concurrency right, there are a few more branches involved, but it has no impact on the public interface, so you only have to care about generating the content and handling time-outs.

Repository Contents

This repository will soon contain a few different implementations that are able to cooperate (i.e. can generate and resolve promises one from another). While I aim for all implementations to be good enough to work in production (i.e. no concurrency bugs), the main goal is to write code that is clear and terse, so that anybody sufficiently motivated can make the right adjustments for their own use-cases.

Each implementation has its own README with code examples.


See csharp/redis-memolock.

Inside the csharp directory you will find a ASP.NET Core WebApi project containing usage examples and a MemoLock implementation that uses a System.Concurrent.Dictionary with TaskCompletionSource (manually triggered Tasks) to handle concurrency.


See go/

Inside the go/ directory you can find a Go module. This implementation makes good use of goroutines and channels, and uses a single goroutine to write to the subscription multiplexer, as opposed to the C# version which has concurrent writers acquire control of a ConcurrentDictionary.


This library is all about nimble locking for enhancing performance. It's ok to use it in combination with external systems (e.g. store the result of the computation elsewhere, like a CDN if it's a PDF report, and just save in Redis a token representing the location) but it's NOT ok to use it to lock computations that rely on mutual exclusion for correctness. This locking mechanism is about doing less work, not correct work.

A good example is locking database reads: two reads at the same time won't cause any problem and the last writer will win.

A not-so-good example is trying to upload a file to an FTP server (or CDN) with a non-unique name: what happens if two writers try to write to the same filename? Answer: in reasonable implementations one writer will fail and report an error. Fix: make sure filenames generated by different writers can't collide (e.g. use UUIDs), or catch the error if you can distinguish it from other types of error (i.e. you get a FileAlreadyExistsError, and not a GenericOpenError).

A bad example is using a MemoLock to guard a computation that might be corrupted by concurrent writers. If your mistake is bad enough, you might end up in a situation where both writes succeed and the result becomes corrupted. Don't use this lock to do distributed transactions, for example. Fix: just don't.

I'm writing this warning because distributed locking is a complex subject and it's easy to misuse tools if you expect from them greater guarantees than they actually provide. As stated previously, this library tries to be lightweight to enhance performance, not guarantee full mutual exclusion. While not providing such functionality can be seen as a limitation, the upside is that such library would not be able scale as much (because of a higher level of coordination) and would not allow you to use services that are not Redis-aware to store results, such as a CDN, for example.

Enjoy the simplicity and flexibility that springs from limiting the scope of our design.

How can different implementations share promises?

Here the term promise is used in a fairly abstract way with only a small connection to any specific language implementation. Different implementations can interoperate because they share a Redis client and the understanding of three concepts:

  1. Keys are stored using the scheme <resource tag>:<resource id>
    (e.g. likes:kristoff)
  2. Locks are stored using the scheme<resource tag>/lock:<resource id>
    (e.g. likes/lock:kristoff)
  3. Pub/Sub notifications are sent over the channel <resource tag>/notif:<resource id>
    (e.g. likes/notif:kristoff)

Any client that can SET and GET a key, and that can use Pub/Sub, can interoperate transparently with all others.