
Simple boilerplate to create CLI applications with Go

MIT License


Go Simple CLI Boilerplate

Simple boilerplate to create CLI applications with Go

How to use

With Docker

  • Clone this repo and enter it

  • Run docker build -t "mytag" .

  • Run docker run -it --rm mytag hello

Without Docker

  • Clone this repo and enter it

  • Run go get ./...

  • Run go run app.go hello or build the application with go build and execute the binary like: ./app hello


  • The cmd module is where you will create your commands. Create a file for each command following the example of cmd/hello.go

  • The flag_variables.go is used to declare variables that will receive the flags values, I did this to reuse the variables instead of creating new ones for each command.

    • Example: If have two commands with the variable var source string. You can declare the source in command A file and reuse it in command B file but it will get messy to know where the variables are declared. You can create a new variable but probably it will have a name almost equal to source and it's redundant because they're for the same thing.
  • The core module is where you put things that's common and/or can be used to all your application like the application configuration

    • The config.go offers basic methods to work with the application configuration, you can create your own methods here
    • The init.go is where you put things that you will expose to other packages like the AppConfiguration


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/WendellAdriel/go-simple-cli-boilerplate/. This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration.


This project is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.