
A skeleton for golang web application(with logger, redis, mysql, mongo, config, i18n, cli, validate and more)

MIT License


Go Web Skeleton

A complete Golang web application skeleton.



  • Can be used for API interface applications, CLI command line applications, WEB applications
  • Log library logrus configuration used
  • swagger API documentation configuration generation
  • Multi-language support, view rendering, request data validation
  • Configure read management, load according to environment, multi-file support
  • Contains redis, mysql, mongo for initialization and simple use
  • Use go mod to install the management dependencies

Project Structure

Github Project https://github.com/inhere/go-web-skeleton

api/ API interface application handlers
  |- controller/
  |- middleware/
  |_ routes.go
app/ Common directory (public methods, application initialization, public components, etc.)
cmd/ CLI command line application commands
  |_ cliapp/ command line application entry file (main)
config/ Application configuration directory (basic configuration plus various environment configurations)
model/  Data and logic code directory
  |- form/  Request form structure data definition, form validation configuration
  |- logic/ Logic processing
  |- mongo/ MongoDB data collection model definition
  |- mysql/ MySQL data form model definition
  |_ rds/   Redis data model definition
resource/   Non-code resources used by some projects (language files, view template files, etc.)
runtime/    Temporary file directory (file cache, log files, etc.)
static/     Static resource directory (js, css, etc.)
main.go     Web application entry file
Dockerfile  Dockerfile
Makefile    Has written some common shortcut commands to help package, build docker, generate documentation, run tests, etc.

render by tree -d 2 ./

Go Packages

use ✅ mark current used go package

Http service

Provide HTTP service and routing


CLI application

Command line application


Configuration management


Database ORM





Data validation

Request data validation

Data serialization

High-performance serialization library


Other packages

Config register center:

Extra Compoents

Auxiliary Library

  • swagger document generation:
    • go-swagger The documentation is complex but more powerful
    • swaggo/swag Documents and usage are relatively simple, only generating documents is enough
  • Test the auxiliary library for quick assertion stretchr/testify
  • Debugging tool: davecgh/go-spew Deep printing golang variable data

Additional components

  • swagger UI: swagger document rendering
  • Dockerfile: docker image build script for production environment, based on alpine, build a project image with an estimated size of around 30 M
  • makefile: Some quick-on make commands have been built to help quickly generate documentation and build images.


  • First, clone the skeleton repository to your local directory
  • Rename the go-web-skeleton directory to your project name.
  • Go to the project and replace github.com/inhere/go-web-skeleton with your project name (for go file)
  • Search again and replace all go-web-skeleton with your project name (mainly Dockerfile, makefile)
  • Run go mod tidy to install dependent libraries
  • Run the project: go run main.go

Init project

go run ./cmd/appinit

Swagger Docs Generation


go get -u github.com/swaggo/swag/cmd/swag

Please check the documentation and examples of swaggo/swag

Generated to the specified directory:

swag init -o static
# This file will be generated at the same time. It can be deleted if it is not needed.
rm static/docs.go


swaggo/swag is the parsing field description information from the comment of the field

type SomeModel struct {
	// the name description
	Name   string `json:"name" example:"tom"`


  • Run the test
Go test
// output coverage
Go test -cover
  • Formatting project
gofmt -s -l ./
go fmt ./...
  • Run GoLint check

Note: You need to install GoLint first.

golint ./...

