
Template - aller - best golang templating system ever!



This is a golang templating lib. Here are it's assertions:

  • I don't want to be limited by some idiotic people that write templates are stupid rule.
  • I don't want to learn yet another template language.
  • I want to use golang expressions if, for..
  • I want all the power of indexing, attribute resolution and performing operations that golang offers.
  • I want to type less stuff and do more.
  • I want to include/extend other templates in my template. (think jinja)


taller (pronounced /ta.le/) is composed of t (template) and aller (the verb "go" in French).


To know where the templates are taller requires a TALLER_PATH environment variable which is just like a normal unix PATH separated by ":".


    package main

    import (

    def main() {
            os.Setenv("TALLER_PATH", "/path/to/my/templates:/templates/")

            template := taller.TemplateFile("template.html")
            context := &taller.Context{"foo": "bar", "baz": 1}

            content := taller.Render(template, context)
            //taller is all bytes so we need to convert here to string

For more examples of templates visit docs/examples/ - TODO

How it works

Given a context and a template file translate the template directly into golang code executing it with the context and will returning the result.

Again ::

    template source -> golang code -> binary -> execute with context -> get the result

Why not just use a normal parser + reflect?

I don't know how to write a decent parser/compiler so I'll use the golang compiler to do the job for me. Also it should be very fast. This of course makes the template language somewhat inflexible, but I think I can live with it.

[[Add benchmarks here]]


The rules are simple:

  1. There are no spaces in the declaration of tags such as: [ if x == 1]. Everything will begin with the actual tag: [if x[0] == 1]. There are no 2 tags on the same line. These are the only style enforcing rules.

  2. Find all [import ..], [extend ..] [include ..] in this order and perform the required operations on them.

  3. Find all blocks [block ...] and [endblock] and replace them in an order of resolution the leafs have the highest priority.

  4. Find all [if ...][endif], [for ...][endfor] and just replace them as golang code. [if foo][endif] translates to if context["foo"] {} and so on.

  5. Replace all `expression` with fmt.Fprintf(output, expression)