
Template Parsing Util Package.

MIT License



Made out of neccessity and frustration 😩


  • Use go templates in your app without repeating the parsing logic over and over.
  • Use any template supported by go html/template package.
  • Use go:embed to embed template files in your binary.
  • Parse templates once.


In order for tempest to parse templates, three conditions must be met.

  1. Templates must be embeded
  2. The name of the template used for layouts should be layouts.<extention>, otherwise, it should be stated with custom config.
  3. The name of the folder containing partial templates should be "inludes", otherwise, it should be stated with custom config

📝 For requirements 2 and 3, see examples/with-conf



Lets say you have a folder structure like this

├── main.go
└── templates
    ├── includes
    │   └── footer.html
    |   └── header.html
    └── admin
    │   └── dash.html
    │   └── layout.html
    ├── layout.html
    ├── index.html
    └── about.html

In your main.go file, you can do something like this

package main

import (


var (
    //go:embed templates
    templates embed.FS

func main() {
    // Create a new tempest instance
    tempst := tempest.New()

    templs, err := tempst.ParseFS(templates)
    if err != nil {

    // Render a template

    mux := http.NewServeMux()

    mux.HandleFunc("/admin", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
        // 🚨 Note that the template name is the file name without the extension
        // and the base folder ; in this case "templates"
        dash := templs["admin/dash"]
        dash.Execute(w, nil)

Template Directory Parsing

The template files in the templates directory above will be grouped as follows

- templates/admin/dash.html
    ├── templates/layout.html
    ├── templates/admin/layout.html 
    ├── templates/admin/dash.html 
    ├── templates/includes/footer.html
    └── templates/includes/header.html

- templates/index.html
    ├── templates/layout.html
    ├── templates/index.html 
    ├── templates/includes/footer.html
    └── templates/includes/header.html

- templates/about.html
    ├── templates/layout.html
    ├── templates/about.html 
    ├── templates/includes/footer.html
    └── templates/includes/header.html

html/template basics

When using nested layouts, the child layout's define block name should correspond to the parent layout's block name.

<!-- templates/layout.html -->
    {{ block "content" . }}{{ end }}
<!-- templates/admin/layout.html -->
{{ define "content" }}
    {{ block "admin-content" . }}{{ end }}
{{ end }}

Further Read: Go html/template package