
Generic types and functions that are missing from Go, including sets, linked lists, trees, etc.

MIT License

typ - v4.3.0 go-typ Latest Release

Published by applejag over 1 year ago

go get gopkg.in/[email protected]

Changes (since v4.2.0)

  • Added sync2.Map.Len() method. (#38)
typ - v4.2.0 go-typ

Published by applejag about 2 years ago

go get gopkg.in/[email protected]

Changes (since v4.1.0)

  • Changed so slices.Sorted[T]'s generic type can be any, where before it
    required it to be comparable. Use the new slices.NewSortedFunc or
    slices.NewSortedCompare constructors to make use of this. (133cd39)

  • Changed so avl.Tree[T]'s generic type can be any. This was mostly
    supported already, but now the type is correctly propagated. (d2ffd60)

typ - v4.1.0 go-typ

Published by applejag over 2 years ago

go get gopkg.in/[email protected]

Changes (since v4.0.0)

  • Added sets.Set.Len(). (88ca4a1)
typ - v4.0.0 go-typ

Published by applejag over 2 years ago

go get gopkg.in/[email protected]

Changes (since v3.1.0)

  • Added interface sets.Set. (#32)

    • Changed the location of the sets.Set struct to maps.Set.
  • Added sync2.Set, a thread-safe implementation of sets.Set. (#32, thanks @Alexamakans)

  • Added more utility functions to gopkg.in/typ/pkg/maps:

    • Added maps.HasKey. (d65e1b9)
    • Added maps.KeyOf. (#33)
    • Added maps.Keys. (#33)
    • Added maps.Values. (#33)
  • Added maps.Bimap, a bi-directional map. (#34)

  • Changed v3 to v4 and moved all sub-packages by removing the intermediate /pkg/: (#35)

    Before After
    gopkg.in/typ.v3 gopkg.in/typ.v4
    gopkg.in/typ.v3/pkg/arrays gopkg.in/typ.v4/arrays
    gopkg.in/typ.v3/pkg/avl gopkg.in/typ.v4/avl
    gopkg.in/typ.v3/pkg/chans gopkg.in/typ.v4/chans
    gopkg.in/typ.v3/pkg/lists gopkg.in/typ.v4/lists
    gopkg.in/typ.v3/pkg/maps gopkg.in/typ.v4/maps
    gopkg.in/typ.v3/pkg/sets gopkg.in/typ.v4/sets
    gopkg.in/typ.v3/pkg/slices gopkg.in/typ.v4/slices
    gopkg.in/typ.v3/pkg/sync2 gopkg.in/typ.v4/sync2
typ - v3.1.0 go-typ

Published by applejag over 2 years ago

go get gopkg.in/[email protected]

Changes (since v3.0.1)

  • Added sync2.Once1, sync2.Once2, and sync2.Once3, that are wrappers around the built-in sync.Once but keep track of the return values. (b458670)
typ - v3.0.1 go-typ

Published by applejag over 2 years ago

go get gopkg.in/[email protected]

Changes (since v3.0.0)

  • Fixed chans.RecvQueued bugs. (cf747e4)
typ - v3.0.0 go-typ

Published by applejag over 2 years ago

go get gopkg.in/[email protected]

Changes (since v2.0.0)

  • Changed location of types and functions to be package based. New packages: (#31)

    Package Moved typ types
    pkg/arrays Array2D
    pkg/avl AVLTree
    pkg/chans RecvChan, SendChan, Chan
    pkg/lists List, Queue, Ring, Stack
    pkg/maps only utility functions
    pkg/sets Set
    pkg/slices SortedSlice
    pkg/sync2 AtomicValue, KeyedMutex, Pool, SyncMap
  • Removed all MakeXOfX utility funcitons. (#31)

  • Removed the typ.Null type. (#31)

typ - v2.0.0 go-typ

Published by applejag over 2 years ago

go get gopkg.in/[email protected]

Changes (since v1.3.0)

  • Added constraints:

    • All constraints from golang.org/x/exp/constraints as they were removed from the stdlib since Go v1.18rc1. (729e08d)
    • typ.Chan[T]: send-only, receive-only, or unidirectional channel of type. (a20e5af)
    • typ.RecvChan[T]: channel of type or receive-only channel of type. (649938c)
    • typ.SendChan[T]: channel of type or send-only channel of type. (649938c)
  • Added utility functions:

    • typ.ClearMap[K, V](map[K]V): Removes all elements from a map. (ce84398)
    • typ.CloneMap[K, V](map[K]V) map[K]V: Returns a shallow copy of a map. (a4f42ca)
    • typ.CloneSlice[T]([]T) []T: Returns a shallow copy of a slice. (a4f42ca)
    • typ.DerefZero[T](*T) T: Returns a dereferenced pointer value, or zero if nil. (10de9a6)
    • typ.GrowSlice[T]([]T, int) []T: Adds n number of zero elements to a slice. (814016c)
    • typ.Less[T](T, T) bool: Returns true if the first argument is less than the second. (320bf5c)
    • typ.SearchFunc[T]([]T, func(T) bool): Searches for element index or insertion index in slice. (68f823d)
    • typ.SortDescFunc[T]([]T, func(T, T) bool): Sorts a slice with a given sort function in descending order. (b55962b)
    • typ.SortFunc[T]([]T, func(T, T) bool): Sorts a slice with a given sort function. (b55962b)
    • typ.SortStableDescFunc[T]([]T, func(T, T) bool): Sorts a slice with a given sort function in descending order, while keeping original order of equal elements. (b55962b)
    • typ.SortStableFunc[T]([]T, func(T, T) bool): Sorts a slice with a given sort function, while keeping original order of equal elements. (b55962b)
    • typ.IsZero[T](T) bool: Returns true if the value is its type's zero value or if method IsZero() bool returns true. (ff25c12)
  • Renamed typ.Ptr to typ.Ref. (10de9a6)

  • Renamed typ.OrderedTree to typ.AVLTree. (d96902f)

  • Renamed typ.ChunkIter, typ.PairsIter, and typ.WindowedIter to typ.ChunkFunc, typ.PairsFunc, and typ.WindowedFunc, respectively. (4a3936e)

  • Changed typ.AVLTree to not be constrainted on only ordered types. Now you can use typ.NewAVLTree() to create one with a custom comparator. (d96902f)

  • Changed most functions to use generic constraints as [S ~[]E, E any] instead of just [S []any]. (b973cb7)

  • Removed typ.OrderedSlice in favor of the new typ.NewSortedSliceOrdered function. (320bf5c)

typ - v1.3.0 go-typ

Published by applejag over 2 years ago

go get gopkg.in/[email protected]

Changes (since v1.2.0)

  • Added types:

    • typ.KeyedMutex[T]: Mutual exclusive lock on a per-key basis. (4f99f8e)
    • typ.KeyedRWMutex[T]: Mutual exclusive reader/writer lock on a per-key basis. (4f99f8e)
  • Added utility functions:

    • typ.Abs[T](T) T: Absolute value of a number. (f6f0cdf)
    • typ.Digits10Sign[T](T) int: Number of base 10 digits (including sign) in integer. (36fbfef)
    • typ.Digits10[T](T) int: Number of base 10 digits (excluding sign) in integer. (36fbfef)
    • typ.RecvContext[T](context.Context, <-chan T) (T, bool): Receive from a channel, or cancel with context. (1bfa4b7)
    • typ.RecvQueuedFull[T](<-chan T, []T): Receive all queued values from a channel's buffer. (a56b0e5)
    • typ.RecvQueued[T](<-chan T, int) []T: Receive all queued values from a channel's buffer. (a56b0e5)
    • typ.SendContext[T](context.Context, chan<- T, T) bool: Send to a channel, or cancel with context. (1bfa4b7)
typ - v1.2.0 go-typ

Published by applejag over 2 years ago

go get gopkg.in/[email protected]

Changes (since v1.1.1)

  • Added types:

    • typ.Array2D[T]: 2-dimensional array. (74289fe)
    • typ.OrderedSlice[T]: Always-sorted slice for ordered types. (08b8720)
    • typ.SortedSlice[T]: Always-sorted slice. Requires custom less function. (08b8720)
  • Added utility functions:

    • typ.All[T]([]T, func(T) bool) bool: Does condition match all values? (024361a)
    • typ.Any[T]([]T, func(T) bool) bool: Does condition match any value? (024361a)
    • typ.ChunkIter[T]([]T, int) [][]T: Invoke callback for all chunks in a slice. (e269dec)
    • typ.Chunk[T]([]T, int) [][]T: Divide up a slice. (e269dec)
    • typ.Concat[T]([]T, []T) []T: Returns two concatenated slices. (024361a)
    • typ.ContainsFunc[T]([]T, T, func(T, T) bool) bool: Checks if value exists in slice with custom equals. (e94faf7)
    • typ.CountBy[K, V]([]V, func(V) K) []Counting[K]: Count elements by key. (2105841)
    • typ.DistinctFunc[T]([]T, func(T, T) bool) []T: Returns new slice of unique elements with custom equals. (e94faf7)
    • typ.ExceptSet[T]([]T, Set[T]) []T: Exclude values from other set. (6c21e5d)
    • typ.Except[T]([]T, []T) []T: Exclude values from other slice. (6c21e5d)
    • typ.Fill[T]([]T, T): Fill a slice with a value. (d202eea)
    • typ.Filter[T](slice []T, func(T) bool) []T: Returns filtered slice. (024361a)
    • typ.FoldReverse[TState, T]([]T, TState, func(TState, T) TState) TState: Accumulate values from slice in reverse order. (0871a38)
    • typ.Fold[TState, T]([]T, TState, func(TState, T) TState) TState: Accumulate values from slice. (024361a)
    • typ.GroupBy[K, V]([]V, func(V) K) []Grouping[K, V]: Group elements by key. (8468938)
    • typ.IndexFunc[T]([]T, func(T) bool) int: Returns index of a value, or -1 if not found. (a69bf35)
    • typ.InsertSlice[T](*[]T, int, []T): Inserts a slice of values at index. (cb51458, 21bf45f, f9a6c42)
    • typ.Insert[T](*[]T, int, T): Inserts a value at index. (cb51458, 21bf45f, f9a6c42)
    • typ.Last[T]([]T) T: Returns the last item in a slice. (9bc54ab)
    • typ.MapErr[TA, TB](slice []TA, func(TA) (TB, error)) ([]TB, error): Returns converted slice, or first error. (024361a)
    • typ.Map[TA, TB](slice []TA, func(TA) TB) []TB: Returns converted slice. (024361a)
    • typ.PairsIter[T]([]T, func(T, T)): Invoke callback for all pairs in a slice. (92498c7)
    • typ.Pairs[T]([]T) [][2]T: Returns all pairs from a slice. (92498c7)
    • typ.Ptr[T](T) *T: Return a pointer of the value, such as a literal. (d48dd7f)
    • typ.RemoveSlice[T](*[]T, int, int): Removes a slice of values at index. (cb51458, 21bf45f, f9a6c42)
    • typ.Remove[T](*[]T, int): Removes a value at index. (cb51458, 21bf45f, f9a6c42)
    • typ.TrimFunc[T]([]T, func(T) bool) []T: Trim away unwanted matches from start and end. (e94faf7)
    • typ.TrimLeftFunc[T]([]T, func(T) bool) []T: Trim away unwanted matches from start. (e94faf7)
    • typ.TrimRightFunc[T]([]T, func(T) bool) []T: Trim away unwanted matches from end. (e94faf7)
    • typ.WindowedIter[T]([]T, int, func([]T)): Invoke callback for all windows in a slice. (91a701e)
    • typ.Windowed[T]([]T, int) [][]T: Returns all windows from a slice. (91a701e)
  • Changed typ.Set.Set() and .Unset() to .Add() and .Remove(), respectively. (bfabb2d)

typ - v1.1.1 go-typ

Published by applejag almost 3 years ago

go get gopkg.in/[email protected]

Changes (since v1.1.0)

  • Added example tests for typ.Set and typ.OrderedTree. (e15e311)
typ - v1.1.0 go-typ

Published by applejag almost 3 years ago

go get gopkg.in/[email protected]

Changes (since v1.0.1)

  • Added utility functions:

    • typ.Index[T]([]T, T) int: Returns index of a value, or -1 if not found. (f104746)
    • typ.MakeChanOfChan[T](chan T, ...int) chan T: Returns the result of make(chan T), useful for anonymous types. (f104746)
    • typ.MakeChanOf[T](T, ...int) chan T: Returns the result of make(chan T), useful for anonymous types. (f104746)
    • typ.MakeMapOfMap[K,V](map[K]V, ...int) map[K]V: Returns the result of make(map[K]V), useful for anonymous types. (f104746)
    • typ.MakeMapOf[K,V](K, V, ...int) map[K]V: Returns the result of make(map[K]V), useful for anonymous types. (f104746)
    • typ.MakeSliceOfKey[K,V](map[K]V, ...int) []K: Returns the result of make([]K), useful for anonymous types. (f104746)
    • typ.MakeSliceOfSlice[T]([]T, ...int) []T: Returns the result of make([]T), useful for anonymous types. (f104746)
    • typ.MakeSliceOfValue[K,V](map[K]V, ...int) []V: Returns the result of make([]V), useful for anonymous types. (f104746)
    • typ.MakeSliceOf[T](T, ...int) []T: Returns the result of make([]T), useful for anonymous types. (f104746)
    • typ.NewOf[T](*T) *T: Returns the result of new(T), useful for anonymous types. (f104746)
    • typ.SafeGetOr[T]([]T, int, T) T: Index a slice, or return fallback value if index is out of bounds. (f104746)
    • typ.SafeGet[T]([]T, int) T: Index a slice, or return zero if index is out of bounds. (f104746)
    • typ.TryGet[T]([]T, int) (T, bool): Index a slice, or return false if index is out of bounds. (f104746)
    • typ.ZeroOf[T](T) T: Returns the zero value for an anonymous type. (f104746)
typ - v1.0.1 go-typ

Published by applejag almost 3 years ago

go get gopkg.in/[email protected]

Changes (since v1.0.0)

  • Fixed package reference in docs and tests. (2e1eb32)

  • Added utility functions:

    • typ.TrimLeft[T]([]T, []T): Trim away unwanted elements from start. (2286b5c)
    • typ.TrimRight[T]([]T, []T): Trim away unwanted elements from end. (2286b5c)
    • typ.Trim[T]([]T, []T): Trim away unwanted elements from start and end. (2286b5c)
typ - v1.0.0 go-typ

Published by applejag almost 3 years ago

go get gopkg.in/[email protected]

Changes (since v0.1.0)

  • Added types:

  • Added utility functions:

    • typ.Coal[T](...T) T: Coalesce operator, returns first non-zero value. (#20)
    • typ.IsNil[T](T) bool: Returns true if the generic value is nil. (#22)
    • typ.TernCast[T](bool, any, T) T: Conditionally cast a value. (#22)
    • typ.Tern[T](bool, T, T) T: Ternary operator, return based on conditional. (#20)
typ - v0.1.0 go-typ

Published by applejag almost 3 years ago

Initial release 🎉

go get gopkg.in/[email protected]


  • Added types:

    • typ.AtomicValue[T]: Atomic value store, wrapper around sync/atomic.Value.
    • typ.List[T]: Linked list, forked from container/list.
    • typ.Number: Type constraint for any number: integers, floats, & complex.
    • typ.Pool[T]: Object pool, wrapper around sync.Pool.
    • typ.Publisher[T]: Publish-subscribe pattern (pubsub) using channels.
    • typ.Real: Type constraint for real numbers: integers & floats.
    • typ.Queue[T]: First-in-first-out collection.
    • typ.Ring[T]: Circular list, forked from container/ring.
    • typ.Set[T]: Set, based on set theory.
    • typ.Stack[T]: First-in-last-out collection.
    • typ.SyncMap[K,V]: Concurrent map, forked from sync.Map.
    • typ.Tree[T]: AVL-tree (auto-balancing binary search tree) implementation.
  • Added utility functions:

    • typ.Clamp01[T](T) T: Clamp a value between 0 and 1.
    • typ.Clamp[T](T, T, T) T: Clamp a value inside a range.
    • typ.ContainsValue[K, V](map[K]V, V) bool: Does map contain value?
    • typ.Contains[T]([]T, T) bool: Does slice contain value?
    • typ.Max[T](...T) T: Return the largest value.
    • typ.Min[T](...T) T: Return the smallest value.
    • typ.Product[T](...T) T: Multiplies together numbers.
    • typ.RecvTimeout[T](chan<- T, time.Duration): Receive from channel with timeout.
    • typ.Reverse[T]([]T): Reverse the order of a slice.
    • typ.Search[T]([]T, T): Searches for element index or insertion index in slice.
    • typ.SendTimeout[T](<-chan T, T, time.Duration): Send to channel with timeout.
    • typ.ShuffleRand[T]([]T, *rand.Rand): Randomizes the order of a slice.
    • typ.Shuffle[T]([]T): Randomizes the order of a slice.
    • typ.SortDesc[T]([]T): Sort ordered slices in descending order.
    • typ.Sort[T]([]T): Sort ordered slices in ascending order.
    • typ.Sum[T](...T) T: Sums up numbers (addition).
    • typ.Zero[T](): Returns the zero value for a type.