



xtemplate is a html/template-oriented hypertext preprocessor and rapid application development web server. To learn about how to use it, read the docs at https://github.com/infogulch/xtemplate

caddy-xtemplate adapts xtemplate for use in the Caddy web server by:

  1. Registering as a Caddy module named
    http.handlers.xtemplate which exposes a
    caddyhttp.MiddlewareHandler that can serve as a route handler using the
    xtemplate handler middleware definition.
  2. Adapts Caddyfile configuration to easily configure xtemplate through Caddy.


First, Download Caddy Server with http.handlers.xtemplate module, or build it yourself.

Write your caddy config and use the xtemplate http handler in a route block. See Config for a listing of xtemplate configs. The simplest Caddy config is:


route {

Place .html files in the directory specified by the xtemplate.templates_dir key in your caddy config (default "templates"). The config above would load templates from the ./templates directory, relative to the current working directory.

Run caddy with your config:

caddy run --config Caddyfile

Caddy is a very capable http server, check out the caddy docs for features you may want to layer on top. Examples: set up an auth proxy, caching, rate limiting, automatic https, etc


Here are the xtemplate configs available to a Caddyfile:

xtemplate {
    templates_path <string>                            # The path to the templates directory. Default: "templates".
    template_extension <string>              # File extension to search for to find template files. Default ".html".
    delimiters <Left:string> <Right:string>  # The template action delimiters, default "{{" and "}}".

    watch_template_path <bool>   # Reloads templates if anything in template path changes. Default: true
    watch_context_path <bool>    # Reloads templates if anything in context path changes. Default: false

    funcs_modules <mod1> <mod2>  # A list of caddy modules under the `xtemplate.funcs.*`
                                 # namespace that implement the FuncsProvider interface,
                                 # to add custom funcs to the Template FuncMap.


xtemplate-caddy currently does not support configuring the dot context in the Caddyfile format. To configure the dot context you must use Caddy's json configuration.


xcaddy CLI

To build xtemplate_caddy locally, install xcaddy, then build from the directory root. Examples:

# build a caddy executable with the latest version of xtemplate-caddy from github:
xcaddy build 87c7127c2869 --with github.com/infogulch/xtemplate-caddy

# build a caddy executable and override the xtemplate module with your
# modifications in the current directory:
xcaddy build 87c7127c2869 --with github.com/infogulch/xtemplate-caddy=.

# build with CGO in order to use the sqlite3 db driver
CGO_ENABLED=1 xcaddy build --with github.com/infogulch/xtemplate-caddy

# build enable the sqlite_json build tag to get json funcs
GOFLAGS='-tags="sqlite_json"' CGO_ENABLED=1 xcaddy build --with github.com/infogulch/xtemplate-caddy
TZ=UTC git --no-pager show --quiet --abbrev=12 --date='format-local:%Y%m%d%H%M%S' --format="%cd-%h"

A Go module

Create a go module go mod init <modname> with a main.go like this:

package main

import (
    caddycmd "github.com/caddyserver/caddy/v2/cmd"

    _ "github.com/infogulch/xtemplate-caddy"

    // Add xtemplate dot providers:
    _ "github.com/infogulch/xtemplate/providers"
    _ "github.com/infogulch/xtemplate/providers/nats"

    // Add other caddy modules:
    // _ "github.com/greenpau/caddy-security"

func main() {

Compile it with go build -o caddy ., then run with ./caddy run --config Caddyfile

Package history

This package has moved several times. Here are some previous names it has been known as:

  • github.com/infogulch/caddy-xtemplate - Initial implementation to prove out the idea.
  • github.com/infogulch/xtemplate/caddy - Refactored xtemplate to be usable from the cli and as a Go library, split Caddy integration into a separate module in the same repo.
  • github.com/infogulch/xtemplate-caddy Current package - Caddy integration moved to its own repo, and refactored config organization. This should be the final rename 🤞.
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