
GraphQL schema directives to generate CRUD queries, mutations and resolvers which are automatically connected to a database.

MIT License



Note: This package is under active development.

GraphQL schema directives to generate CRUD queries, mutations and resolvers which are automatically connected to a database.

Supported databases:

  • Mongo

Database of your choice missing? Adding one is easy - implement the Store interface.

Available directives:

  • @model - Generates queries, mutations and resolvers for the annotated type.

Getting started

  1. Install core package: npm install graphql-crud or yarn add graphql-crud.
  2. Install a store package:
    • Mongo: npm install graphql-crud-mongo or yarn add graphql-crud-mongo.
  3. Define your schema and annotate it with directives.
  4. Use makeExecutableSchema to generate the schema.
  5. Instantiate and assign your store to on the GraphQL context.
import { makeExecutableSchema } from 'graphql-tools';
import { execute } from 'graphql';
import gql from 'graphql-tag';
import crud from 'graphql-crud';
import MongoStore from 'graphql-crud-mongo';
import typeDefs from './typeDefs';

const typeDefs = `

type Author @model {
  name: String!
  books: [Book]
  favoriteBook: Book

type Book @model {
  name: String!
  authors: [Author]

type Query {
  _: Boolean

type Mutation {
  _: Boolean


const schema = makeExecutableSchema({
  schemaDirectives: {

const context = {
  directives: {
    model: {
      store: new MongoStore({ connection: 'mongodb://localhost/my-database' }),

  mutation {
    createAuthor(data: {
      name:"Leo Tolstoy"
    }) {

The above example will generate the following schema with functioning resolvers.

"type Author {
  name: String
  books: [Book]
  id: ID

input AuthorInputType {
  name: String
  books: [BookInputType]
  id: ID

type Book {
  name: String
  authors: [Author]
  id: ID

input BookInputType {
  name: String
  authors: [AuthorInputType]
  id: ID

type Mutation {
  _: Boolean
  createAuthor(data: AuthorInputType): Author
  updateAuthor(data: UpdateAuthorInputType, where: UpdateAuthorInputType, upsert: Boolean): Boolean
  removeAuthor(where: AuthorInputType): Boolean
  createBook(data: BookInputType): Book
  updateBook(data: UpdateBookInputType, where: UpdateBookInputType, upsert: Boolean): Boolean
  removeBook(where: BookInputType): Boolean

type Query {
  _: Boolean
  author(where: AuthorInputType): Author
  authors(where: AuthorInputType): [Author]
  book(where: BookInputType): Book
  books(where: BookInputType): [Book]

input UpdateAuthorInputType {
  name: String
  books: [UpdateBookInputType]
  id: ID

input UpdateBookInputType {
  name: String
  authors: [UpdateAuthorInputType]
  id: ID

Running the examples

In the repo's root run the following:

  1. docker-compose up -d to start dependent databases.
  2. npm install or yarn install

In examples/simple run the following:

  1. npm install; npm start or yarn install; yarn start
  2. Navigate to http://localhost:3000/graphiql

Getting started for development

  1. docker-compose up -d to start database dependencies for testing and the example.
  2. npm install or yarn install.
  3. npm run link:packages or yarn link:packages.
  4. npm run build:watch or yarn build:watch
  5. Write code.
Extracted from project README
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