
Convert json data to GraphQL type system

MIT License



Need to convert a legacy JSON/REST API to GraphQL? This can help.

For example, turn this Star Wars SWAPI.co data

	"name": "Luke Skywalker",
	"height": "172",
	"mass": "77",
	"hair_color": "blond",
	"skin_color": "fair",
	"eye_color": "blue",
	"birth_year": "19BBY",
	"gender": "male",
	"homeworld": "https://swapi.co/api/planets/1/",
	"films": [
	"species": [
	"vehicles": [
	"starships": [
	"created": "2014-12-09T13:50:51.644000Z",
	"edited": "2014-12-20T21:17:56.891000Z",
	"url": "https://swapi.co/api/people/1/"

into this:

type people {
  name: String
  height: String
  mass: Date
  hair_color: String
  skin_color: String
  eye_color: String
  birth_year: String
  gender: String
  homeworld: Id
  films: [Id]
  species: [Id]
  vehicles: [Id]
  starships: [Id]
  created: Date
  edited: Date
  url: Id

Working with an existing MongoDB?

The mongo-graphql-starter project "Creates a fully functioning, performant GraphQL endpoint from an existing MongoDB". But it needs some setup work to define your tables.

You can do most of the gruntwork setting up the projectSetupA.js file using this:

>j2gt --uri=mongodb://user:password@host:port/database?options > someOutputFile

You'll then need to

  • add table: "abc..." and explicit fields: { ... }
  • do some editing and find and replace for some of the values.


> npm install -g json-to-graphql-typesystem
Creates a global CLI app named j2gt (see package.json).  Optionally, for more control

> git clone https://github.com/MorganConrad/json-to-graphql-typesystem.git
> cd json-to-graphql-typesystem
> npm install

Quick Usage

(showing a mix of j2gt and node cli.js)

> curl https://swapi.co/api/people/1 | j2gt --id=people -
    results shown above

> node cli.js --uri=mongodb://user:password@host:port/database?options
    converts all collections of that database

> node cli.js file1.json file2.json  (try ./tests/data/nested.json)
    converts the given json files

CLI: cli.js

  [--outdir=dir]            put results into dir, which **must exist**
  [--outext=.ext]           put results into files ending with .ext
                          (if neither, results go to stdout)
  [--clean]                 try to cleanup input files (takes first {...} from an array of results)
  [--suffix=!]              add a ! after every non-null field
  [--nullData=xxx]          the "type" to use if the example data is null.  default = "TBD"
  [--id=typename]           use this for the root "type".  Otherwise, filename or collection name will be used

  // two input possibilities: files, or a JSON API url

  file1.json file2.json...  json files to parse and generate schemas
                             '-' means read from stdin

  [--uri=mongodb://...]     mongo DB (reads first document of collections)
  coll1 coll2...            (optional) names of collections to use (if none provided, will parse all)

Obscure Options

The following options only apply if the files were exported by something like by Mongo DB Compass. See tests/data/akc.json for an example. These files contain additional typing details such as {"$date":{"$numberLong":"1397952000000"}}.

  • --BSON use the standard conversions (see json-to-graphql-typesystem.BSON_CONVERSIONS)
  • --BSONFile=name use conversions read from this JSON file
  • --clean Since the exports are not in proper JSON format, you must correct them

Using in a Broswer

Very Quick and Dirty example code in browser_example.html


Module that does the actual conversion of an object into a string graphql type representation.

  • use this if the command line app doesn't meet your needs

constructor(userOptions, userBSON)

  • userOptions described below
  • userBSON additional BSON types

convert(data, rootType)

  • data: Javascript object (non-null)
  • rootType the name of the Type for this root of this object (e.g. used by the --id=xxx option)

Returns a nicely formatted String, possibly preceeded by nested types, e.g.

type rootType_belongs_to_collection {
  id: Int
  name: String
  poster_path: String
  backdrop_path: String
type rootType_genres {
  id: Int
  name: String
type rootType {
  adult: Boolean
  backdrop_path: String
  belongs_to_collection: rootType_belongs_to_collection
  budget: Int
  genres: [rootType_genres]


  • BSON use standard BSON types
  • bson_prefix additional prefix for any BSON types, default = 'BSON_'
  • eol default '\n',
  • nestedDelimiter how to delimit nested classes, default '_' (see example results above)
  • nullData "type" to return if data is null, default = 'TBD'
  • suffix default '', add this after every non-null type (usually '!')

Notes, Todos, and Caveats

  1. If the example data is null, this program (obviously) cannot determine a type. By default, the type will be set to TBD and hand-cleanup is required.


  1. v0.1.1 added the --header option.
  2. v0.1.2
  • added nullData test and option
  • added --suffix
  1. v0.2.0 reorg, added main_helper for easier testing
  2. v0.3.0
  • remove URL option, but support reading from stdin instead
  • main.js -> cli.js, add bin entry to package.json

Other Examples

  1. Try converting data from the GitHub issue API
    curl https://api.github.com/repos/MorganConrad/json-to-graphql-typesystem/issues?state=closed | j2gt --id=issues --clean -
    The result should look like ./tests/data/github_issues.graphql