
🎱 Capable GraphQL client for Python

APACHE-2.0 License


🎱 Quiz

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Capable GraphQL client for Python.


  • Sync/async compatible, pluggable HTTP clients.
  • Auto-generate typed and documented python APIs
  • ORM-like syntax to write GraphQL.

Note that this project is in an early alpha stage. Some features are not yet implemented (see the roadmap below), and it may be a little rough around the edges. If you encounter a problem or have a feature request, don't hesitate to open an issue in the issue tracker <https://github.com/ariebovenberg/quiz/issues>_.


A quick 'n dirty request to GitHub's new V4 API:

.. code-block:: python3

import quiz query = ''' ... { ... repository(owner: "octocat", name: "Hello-World") { ... createdAt ... description ... } ... } ... ''' quiz.execute(query, url='https://api.github.com/graphql', ... auth=('me', 'password')) {"repository": ...}


  1. Adaptability. Built on top of snug <http://snug.readthedocs.io/>_, quiz supports different HTTP clients

    .. code-block:: python3

    import requests result = quiz.execute(query, ..., client=requests.Session())

    as well as async execution (optionally with aiohttp <http:aiohttp.readthedocs.io/>_):

    .. code-block:: python3

    result = await quiz.execute_async(query, ...)

  2. Typing. Convert a GraphQL schema into documented python classes:

    .. code-block:: python3

    schema = quiz.Schema.from_url('https://api.github.com/graphql', ... auth=('me', 'password')) help(schema.Repository) class Repository(Node, ProjectOwner, Subscribable, Starrable, UniformResourceLocatable, RepositoryInfo, quiz.types.Object) | A repository contains the content for a project. | | Method resolution order: | ... | | Data descriptors defined here: | | assignableUsers | : UserConnection | A list of users that can be assigned to issues in this repo | | codeOfConduct | : CodeOfConduct or None | Returns the code of conduct for this repository ...

  3. GraphQL "ORM". Write queries as you would with an ORM:

    .. code-block:: python3

    _ = quiz.SELECTOR query = schema.query[ ... _ ... .repository(owner='octocat', name='Hello-World')[ ... _ ... .createdAt ... .description ... ] ... ] str(query) query { repository(owner: "octocat", name: "Hello-World") { createdAt description } }

  4. Offline query validation. Use the schema to catch errors quickly:

    .. code-block:: python3

    schema.query[ ... _ ... .repository(owner='octocat', name='Hello-World')[ ... _ ... .createdAt ... .foo ... .description ... ] ... ] SelectionError: SelectionError on "Query" at path "repository":

       SelectionError: SelectionError on "Repository" at path "foo":
           NoSuchField: field does not exist
  5. Deserialization into python objects. Responses are loaded into the schema's types. Use . to access fields:

    .. code-block:: python3

    r = quiz.execute(query, ...) r.repository.description "My first repository on GitHub!" isinstance(r.repository, schema.Repository) True

    If you prefer the raw JSON response, you can always do:

    .. code-block:: python3

    quiz.execute(str(query), ...) {"repository": ...}


quiz and its dependencies are pure python. Installation is easy as:

.. code-block:: bash

pip install quiz


After you've cloned the repo locally, set up the development environment with:

.. code-block:: bash

make init

For quick test runs, run:

.. code-block:: bash


To run all tests and checks on various python versions, run:

.. code-block:: bash

make test

Generate the docs with:

.. code-block:: bash

make docs

Pull requests welcome!