
🥖 Frontend Boilerplate - A FrontEnd Starter kit based on Webpack and Handlebars, supporting ES6 and SCSS.



FrontEnd Boilerplate - A simple and lightweight FrontEnd Starter kit based on Webpack and Handlebars supporting ES6 and SCSS.


Bakery takes advantage of Webpack to build html pages (static websites) from Handlebars templates with support for SASS/SCSS and ES6.


  • Handlebars (with layouts and partials)
  • SASS/SCSS/CSS support (with scoped styles)
  • Images/File loader
  • ES6 to ES5 transpiling with Babel
  • HTML and CSS minification
  • Easy and fast setup and workflow

Table of Contents


  1. Clone the repo
git clone
  1. Install npm packages
cd Bakery && npm install



It injects every page template (found in src/views/templates) in the desired layout, main.hbs by default (found in src/views/layouts). You can add as many layouts and templates as you want.

If you want, you can separate reusable parts of your code in their own component file by simply creating the respective .hbs file in src/views/partials and then call them in any of your handlebars templates.

See more of Handlebars syntax


1. Add a page (template)

Every page you want to add needs a folder in src/views/templates, and respective .js, .hbs and .scss files inside of it with same name. You can create them by and or simply typing:

npm run create name-of-the-page

This will create the directory src/views/templates/name-of-the-page with 3 files inside of it:

  • a blank and ready to go scss stylesheet for current page.

  • name-of-the-page.js: needed as entry point for webpack, by default it only loads respective stylesheet, you can add any javascript code for current page. (Note that every page will receive this chuck and the global one src/js/global.js)

  • name-of-the-page.hbs : the template itself, by default injected in main.hbs layout. You can add HTML or Handlebars code as well as use .hbs partials.

2. Start working on your newly created page

  • Insert HTML/Handlebars code in your file
  • Insert css/scss code specific to this page in
  • Insert global css/scss code in src/scss/main.scss
  • Create and/or import handlebars partials from srd/views/partials

3. Start the Dev Server or build for production

(see commands below)


  • npm run create name-of-the-page: Lets you add a new page template. Creates required files as described in Guide. Change name-of-the-page with the your new page desired name.

  • npm run build: Build the project in the dist folder, ready for production.

  • npm run dev: Start webpack-dev-server at http://localhost:8080 (with live-reload)

  • npm run dev:open: Same as npm run dev but with browser opened automatically.


HTML Minification options

In config.js you can find a config.htmlMinifyOptions configuation object with the default HTML minification config included in Bakery:

// HTML Minimizer options
// Set the values you want or add other settings
// among the ones available from 
config.htmlMinifyOptions = {
    collapseWhitespace: true,
    collapseInlineTagWhitespace: false,
    conservativeCollapse: false,
    preserveLineBreaks: true,
    removeAttributeQuotes: false,
    removeComments: false,
    useShortDoctype: false,
    html5: true,

module.exports = config

Note: you can add other minification options, find all available ones at HTML Minifier documentation page.
