
A language to demonstrate embedded pattern matching

MIT License



Implementation to accompany the paper Embedded Pattern Matching by Trevor L. McDonell, Joshua D. Meredith, and Gabriele Keller, Haskell Symposium 2022. (pdf, slides, video (TBD))

With this technique we can use pattern matching in the host language to introduce case expressions in the embedded language, in much the same way the user would do in the host language. This enables a natural and user-friendly embedding of user-defined algebraic data types into the embedded language. For example:

length :: Elt a => Exp (List a) -> Exp Int
length xs =
  let -- the core of the technique demonstrated here:
      body = match \case
        Nil_        -> int 0
        Cons_ _ xs' -> int 1 `Add` App (Var l) xs'

      -- need to add explicit variables, application, abstraction, because we
      -- demonstrate the technique using a first order embedding:
      l = Idx "length"
      v = Idx "xs"
  Let l (Lam v (body (Var v))) (App (Var l) xs)

This repository contains three versions of the idea:


This implementation in Haskell uses an embedded language where the AST witnesses terms based on the surface type of those terms (that is, the user's view of a data type). This is the language described in the paper.

Supports sum, product, and (mutually) recursive data types. Includes the GHC.Generics and TemplateHaskell automation described in the paper.

See haskell-surface/README.md for more information.


This implementation uses an embedded language where the AST witnesses terms based on the representation type of those terms. This is because it follows the style used by the embedded language from the case study (Accelerate). There are overall only minor differences between this language and that from the implementation of haskell-surface as described in the paper.

Supports sum and product data types. Includes all the GHC.Generics and TemplateHaskell automation discussed in the paper.

See haskell-repr/README.md for more information.


This implementation in Scala is similar to the formulation in haskell-surface, with some straightforward changes as described in the paper to account for differences between Scala and Haskell.

Supports sum, product, and recursive data types.

See scala-surface/README.md for more information.