
Code of my fascicle "Practicing Quarkus"

MIT License


AGoncal Fascicle: Practising Quarkus Fascicle

Code of my Practising Quarkus Fascicle

Microservices is an architectural style that structures an application as a collection of distributed services. Microservices are certainly appealing but there are many questions that should be asked prior to diving into this architectural style: How do I deal with an unreliable network in a distributed architecture? How do I test my services? How do I monitor them? How do I package and execute them?

That's when Quarkus comes into play.

In this fascicle you will develop an entire microservice application using Quarkus as well as MicroProfile. You will expose REST endpoints using JAX-RS and OpenAPI, customise the JSON output thanks to JSON-B and deal with persistence and transaction with Hibernate ORM with Panache and JTA. Having distributed microservices, you will implement health checks and add some metrics so you can monitor your microservice architecture. Finally, thanks to GraalVM you will build native executables, and package and execute them with Docker.

This fascicle is very practical. It is the companion book of the more theoretical Understanding Quarkus where you’ll learn more about Quarkus, MicroProfile, REST and reactive microservices, as well as Cloud Native and GraalVM.

Foreword by Clement Escoffier

I started learning Java in 1999. Over the past 20 years, I have witnessed the journey that Java and its ecosystem have been on. But 20 years is a long time, especially for software. Many trends have been called the "next big thing" only to then fade away. How many times have we read about the supposed death of Java? But it is still very much alive! Corba, Applet, JavaEE, Spring, OSGi, Android, OpenJDK... all of these technologies have shaped the Java we know today. All of these technologies have pushed the limits of Java and have led to an increase in its versatility. That's how Java has endured across the ages: by adapting itself. Nowadays, Java is facing another challenge. The rise of the Cloud, Containers and Serverless has pushed Java away from the spotlight. Until now, until Quarkus. And, there is no better way to start with Quarkus than with this fascicle (and its companion fascicle {quarkus-book-title}). The extensive expertise of Antonio is the perfect tool to guide you towards new horizons. You are going to see live how Quarkus mutates Java to make it relevant in Containers, on Kubernetes and in Serverless environments. From the first line of code to production monitoring, this fascicle is your companion. Fasten your seat belt, and get ready to take off! Clement Escoffier Vert.x and Quarkus Core Developer at Red Hat clementplop

And thanks to my proof-reader team:
