
Chatbots is a library for the Processing programming language and environment that provides classes implementing a variety of chatter-bot algorithms: the classic Eliza, AIML-based ones like Rebecca and Alice, etc.

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      <td width="1" height="25" bgcolor="#CCCCBE"><font color="#999999">\</font>&nbsp;<a href="../build/">Build</a>&nbsp;</td>

      <td width="1" height="25" bgcolor="#CCCCBE"><font color="#999999">\</font>&nbsp;<a href="../source/">Source</a>&nbsp;</td>
      <td width="1" height="25" bgcolor="#CCCCBE"><font color="#999999">\</font>&nbsp;<a href="../bugs/">Bugs</a><font color="#CCCCBE">&nbsp; 
      <td width="1" height="25" bgcolor="#CCCCBE"><font color="#999999">\</font>&nbsp;<a href="../reference/">Reference</a>&nbsp;</td>

      <td width="1" height="25" bgcolor="#CCCCBE"><font color="#999999">\</font>&nbsp;<a href="../libraries/"><font color="#666666">Libraries</font></a>&nbsp;</td>

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        <img src="../images/nav_bottomarrow.gif" width="33" height="25" align="absmiddle"><a href="./index.html">Overview</a> <font color="#999999">\</font> <a href="./guidelines.html">Guidelines</a> <font color="#999999">\</font> <a href="./template.html"><font color="#666666">Template</font></a> <font color="#999999">\</font> <a href="./basics.html">Basics</a>

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 <h3>Eclipse Library Template</h3>
 <p>The following describe how to set up a Processing library project in Eclipse and build it successfully, and to make your library ready for distribution.</p>
 <li>Download the latest Eclipse template from <a href="" rel="nofollow">here</a>. <strong>Don&#x27;t unzip the .zip file yet</strong>.<br><br></li>

 <li>Create a new java project in eclipse. from the menubar choose File &rarr; New &rarr; Java Project. Give the project the name of your library. <br><br></li>
 <li>Right-click (ctrl-click) onto the folder icon of your newly created project in the &quot;Package Explorer&quot; and choose &quot;Import&quot; from the menu that pops up. Select General &rarr; Archive File, click &quot;Next&quot; and navigate to the zip file you downloaded earlier in step 1. Confirm the archive with &quot;Finish&quot;. <br><br></li>

 <li>Open your project&#x27;s &quot;Properties&quot; window. Under &quot;Java Build Path&quot;, select the &quot;Libraries&quot; tab and use &quot;add external JARs&quot; and add processing&#x27;s core.jar to your build path. It is recommended that a copy of core.jar is located in your eclipse workspace in a folder libs. If folder libs does not exist yet, create it. Read the section below regarding where to find the core.jar file. <br><br></li>
 <li>Confirm the setup with &quot;finish&quot;. <br><br></li>

 <li>Open the &quot;resources&quot; folder inside of your java project and double click the build.xml file. This file will be used to compile your library with apache ant. After double clicking the file, you should see its content in the eclipse editor. Edit the ant file, make changes to items 1-14 at the beginning of the file so that the values and paths are properly set for your project to compile. A path can be a relative path or absolute. (1-4 are settings for compiling your project. 5-14 are settings for the automatically generated html document.) <br><br></li>
 <li>From the menu bar, choose Window &rarr; Show View &rarr; Ant. A tab with the title ant will pop up on the right side of your eclipse editor. Drag the resources/build.xml file in there, and a new item &quot;processingLibs&quot; will appear. Press the play button inside the ant tab. <br><br></li>
 <li>BUILD SUCCESSFUL. The library template will start to compile, control-messages will appear in the console window, warnings can be ignored. When finished it should say BUILD SUCCESSFUL. congratulations, you are set and you can start writing your own library by making changes to the source code in folder &quot;src&quot;. <br><br></li>

 <li>BUILD FAILED. In case the compile process fails, check the output in the console which will give you a closer idea of what went wrong. Wrrors may have been caused by<br><br>
 	<li>Incorrect path settings in the build.xml file. <br><br></li>
 	<li>Error &quot;Javadoc failed&quot;. if you are on windows, make sure you are using a JDK instead of a JRE in order to be able to create the javadoc for your library. JRE does not come with the javadoc application, but it is required to create libraries from this template. <br></li>

 After having compiled and built your project successfully, you should be able to find your library in processing&#x27;s sketchbook folder, examples will be listed in processing&#x27;s sketchbook menu. Files that have been created for the distribution of the library are located in your eclipse&#x27;s workspace/yourProject/distribution folder. In there you find the web folder which contains the documentation, a zip file for downloading your library, a folder with examples as well as the index.html and css file.
 <p>To distribute your library please refer to the <a href="guidelines.html">guidelines</a>.</p>

Source code

<p>If you want to share your library's source code, we recommend to use an online repository available for free at <a href=""></a> or <a href=""></a>.</p>

Adding core.jar and other .jar files to your classpath

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