
A mature programmer's text editor



This file only contains information about compiling from source. Scroll to the bottom if you are trying to use an IDE like Eclipse. General jEdit documentation can be found in the 'doc' directory.

  • Requirements

For all tasks:

  • Apache Ant. Get it from
    1.9.10 or newer has to be used.
  • The Ant Optional package. This is included in the download from ants website,
    as well as the AntPlugin from the Plugin Manager,
    but not in some default installs on various *nix systems.
    There you should get the ant-optional package through your
    package management system.

For building jEdit, the API documentation or any of the distribution files except of the source package:

  • A Java compiler of version 11, such as OpenJDK's javac which is
    included in the JDK. Get it from
    or from your package manager - e. g. openjdk-11-jdk.

For building the API documentation:

  • Sun's javadoc tool, which is included in the JDK.
    Get it from or from your package
    manager - e. g. openjdk-11-jdk.

For building the windows installer (for the final step):

  • Inno Setup 6.0.0 or newer. Get it from
  • A box running windows or wine, e. g. on *nix. If Inno Setup should be
    run via wine, a wine version of at least 1.3.10 is required because
    of a bug in earlier wine versions.

For building the OS X disk image (DMG) for easy distribution (for the final step):

  • A box running OS X
  • Tasks

If all necessary tools are installed and set up, you can use ant with a couple of targets. The default target if you just run "ant" is "build", like running "ant build".

  • retrieve retrieve the dependencies retrieves almost all dependencies needed for building jEdit, only InnoSetup for the windows installer and wine, if InnoSetup should be run on *nix or OS X, have to be installed and configured in manually.

  • build build the jEdit JAR-file with full debug-information builds jEdit in the build-folder, configured in, with full debug information included.

  • build-exe-launcher build the EXE launcher builds the EXE launcher in the build-folder, configured in

  • run run jEdit runs the jEdit-version in the build-folder, configured in If there isn't any, it builds it in front of execution.

  • run-debug run jEdit with debug listening enabled runs the jEdit-version in the build-folder, configured in If there isn't any, it builds it in front of execution. The debug listening for this JVM is enabled.

  • test run unit tests runs the available unit tests.

  • docs-html generate HTML docs builds the online help in HTML-format in the build-folder, configured in

  • docs-javadoc generate JavaDoc API docs builds the API documentation in the build-folder, configured in

  • docs-pdf-USletter generate PDF users-guide with US letter paper size builds the User's Guide in PDF-format with US letter page size in the build-folder, configured in

  • docs-pdf-a4 generate PDF users-guide with A4 paper size builds the User's Guide in PDF-format with A4 page size in the build-folder, configured in

  • dist build all distribution files builds all distribution files or prepares the final step for some of them (Win and Mac) in the dist-folder, configured in

  • dist-deb build the DEB Package builds the DEB Debian package in the dist-folder, configured in

  • dist-sign-deb-Release sign the DEB Release file signs the Debian repository metadata

  • dist-java build the Java-installer builds the Java installer in the dist-folder, configured in

  • dist-mac build the OS X disk image (DMG-file) builds the OS X internet-enabled disk image (DMG-file) if building on a box running OS X. If building on a box running something else, there will be a file called jedit<version_here>-dist-mac-finish.tar.bz2 in the dist-folder, configured in Give that to someone running OS X and ask him to extract the archive and to execute "ant dist-mac-finish". The only thing that needs to be installed for this final step is Apache Ant.

  • dist-mac-finish finish building the OS X disk image (DMG-file) on OS X builds the OS X internet-enabled disk image (DMG-file) in the dist-folder, configured in if building on a box running OS X. This target is normally only run directly, if someone just has to do the final step that was prepared by "dist-mac" or "dist".

  • dist-manuals build the PDF-manuals builds the User's Guide in PDF-format with both, USletter and A4 page size in the dist-folder, configured in

  • dist-slackware build the Slackware Package builds the Slackware TGZ package in the dist-folder, configured in

  • dist-src build the src-archive builds the source package in the dist-folder, configured in

  • dist-win build the Windows installer (EXE-file) builds the windows installer in the dist-folder, configured in, on a box running Windows. If building on a box running something else, there will be a file called jedit<version_here>-dist-win-finish.tar.bz2 in the dist-folder, configured in Give that to someone running Windows and ask him to extract the archive and to execute "ant dist-win-finish". The only things that need to be installed for this final step is Apache Ant and Inno Setup. Prior to running "ant dist-win-finish", the helper has to set up the file with the path to his Inno Setup installation.

  • dist-win-finish finish building the Windows installer (EXE-file) on Windows or via wine build the windows installer in the dist-folder, configured in if building on a box running Windows or via wine. This target is normally only run directly, if someone just has to do the final step that was prepared by "dist-win" or "dist".

  • clean clean up intermediate files cleans up the temporary files from the build- and dist-folder, configured in Leaves the runnable jEdit, and the distribution files in place.

  • clean-all clean up lib.dir, build.dir and dist.dir completely cleans up all files from the lib-, build- and dist-folder, configured in, and the folders itself too.

  • Interesting algorithms and tricks
  • org.gjt.sp.jedit.browser.VFSDirectoryEntryTable: a tree table control.

  • org.gjt.sp.jedit.buffer.LineManager: the "gap" optimization allows update operations to be performed in O(1) time in certain circumstances.

  • org.gjt.sp.jedit.buffer.KillRing: uses a hash to speed up comparisons with sets of strings.

  • fast text search.

  • org.gjt.sp.jedit.syntax.TokenMarker: generic tokenizer driven by rules defined in an XML file.

  • org.gjt.sp.jedit.textarea.DisplayManager: the fold visibility map looks like an RLE-compressed bit set but does lookups in O(log n).

  • org.gjt.sp.util.WorkThreadPool: a pool of threads executing requests from a queue, enforcing various concurrency requirements.

  • Tips for Eclipse/NetBeans/IDE users:

A file "jsr305.jar" contains definitions of the annotations used in jEdit source code. It is downloaded automatically by ivy as part of the ant build process, to your lib/compile subfolder. If you add that jar to the project properties - java build path - libraries, that will get rid of the compiler errors on the annotations.

A file "tools.jar" from the JDK is also needed in your java build path.

The ant build process creates a subfolder called "build" for its work. Eclipse does the same and may pick the same folder. It is recommended you check/ensure that a different build directory ("Default Ouptut Folder") for Eclipse is used.

Some of the source directories are only needed for building packages on certain platforms. If you add jEdit source to an IDE like Eclipse that tries to compile every .java file, you'll get some errors from these directories unless you have the right libraries, which are automatically downloaded by ivy. However, if you tell Eclipse to exclude these directories, you can still build and run/debug jEdit from source. Follow these steps:

  • Project properties - Java build path
  • Source - Excluded dirs - Edit - Add multiple
  • Add these subdirs: net, de, build, test, misc
  • Default output folder: /build-eclipse

The "eclipse-formatting.xml" file can be used to set the code format style to be the same as what is currently used here.

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