
An example application that shows how Swing and Vaadin based apps can share the most essential parts of the application.


Java EE example with Swing and Vaadin UIs

This is a simple example application that has (Remote) EJB for Customer entities, and simple CRUD user interfaces implemented by both Swing based desktop application and Vaadin based web application. With the UI code examples, you'll see similarities with the programming model and can consider based on the example, what it might mean to convert your legacy desktop app to Vaadin based Web application.

The Vaadin code is bit more "advanced", using databinding (instead of manually moving data from fields to entities), automatic bean validation and richer user experience. This could be naturally implemented with as low level APIs as with the Swing example and then there would be even more similarities, but this way you can see some best practices for Vaadin apps.

###The example contains following modules:

  • domain - (JPA) entities. JPA entities are used as DTOs as well.
  • ejb-ap - the API for the (Remote) EJB via updates to "customer database" are done
  • server - WAR project that contains both the EJB implementation and Vaadin UI. This could naturally be split to two modules (and EAR) as well.
  • desktop - A simple Swing based client application that uses the same EJB as the Vaadin UI

###To play with the demo:

  • build from top level with mvn install
  • import the project to your IDE and make one top level build
  • start the server module with mvn tomee:run from the module root or by deploying the server module manually to TomEE server configured in you IDE.
  • Web UI is then available at http://localhost:8080/server-1.0-SNAPSHOT/
  • The Swing UI can be launch directly from IDE by executing main method from SwingApplication class in desktop module. Note, that server naturally needs to be running.