
Java/Clojure Fibonacci heap based on graphmaker



This project contains a mutable Fibonacci heap data structure, modified from com.bluemarsh.graphmaker.core.util.FibonacciHeap ( to use Comparable rather than double keys, as well as simple Clojure bindings for this data structure.

The data structure also implements the Counted interface, but not yet Seqable (TODO).


FIXME: write


Distributed under Common Development and Distribution License (CDDL) or the GPL v2, at the choice of the recipient. You can obtain copies of these Licenses at or //

The core Fibonacci heap data structure was obtained from the GraphMaker library:

On September 11, 2011, the date of download, this page contained the notice "The license for this application is the Common Development and Distribution License (CDDL), and not the GPL as shown elsewhere. Apparently Google Code does not allow CDDL, so as a concession, you can use this code under GPL v2, if you so choose."

This modified and extended version is released under the same terms.