
A Parallel AI Chess Game from Level 1 to Level 10 made with Java Swing

GPL-3.0 License


NOTE: Archived this repo, for latest code, check out the link below

A simple 2 player chess AI that implemented minimax & alpha-beta pruning & move-ordering & pawn structure analysis to fully optimise the AI with a proper FEN file format

I screwed up my previous chess game with bad design and without planning ahead

I decided to make a chess game because my pc do not have one

NOTE: Credit to Christos-Kouros for timer function

Folder Structure

The workspace contains two folders by default, where:

  • src: the folder to maintain sources
  • res: the folder to maintain resources like the images
  • lib: the folder to maintain external libraries like Guava

To play the Game

NOTE: The image dragged is a bit low quality as image of piece is added to cursor

No. Steps
1. Open Intellij Project.jar program in out/artifacts/Intellij_Project_jar
2. User can choose to play as white/black
3. User can choose white/black as AI
4. Or, user can watch AI play against itself
5. Once the game started, left press the piece you wish to move, drag and drop to the square you wish to place it
6. OR, right click the piece you wish to move, and right click again to the square you wish to place it
7. User can reset the timer if they wish to do so
8. The piece will move as user drag

Game Features

NOTE: if AI move is undo, press its piece so AI can move again

No. Features
1. Restart new game
2. Save game/ Load saved game
3. Exit game
4. Highlight legal moves
5. Show move history
6. Choose AI level from 1 to 5
7. Show captured piece
8. Show AI thinking progress bar
9. Undo previous move
10. Multithread feature depends on the number of cores of a pc, the greater the better/faster AI can think
11. Flip board
12. Enabled/disable a timer (Credit to Christos-Kouros)

Chess sample SimpleParallelChessAI.jar