
Collection of useful utilities for working with Google Cloud Storage.



Collection of useful utilities for working with Google Cloud Storage.

The goal is to eventually add support for AWS S3 as well.


npm install --save abstract-object-storage
# or
yarn add abstract-object-storage

This module uses async await and therefore requires node >= 8.


process.env.GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS = '<insert auth credentials here>'

const storage = require('abstract-object-storage').defaults({
  bucket: 'my-test-bucket'

await storage.uploadFile({
  key: 'test/example.jpg',
  localPath: './example.jpg'

const buffer = await storage.downloadBuffer({
  key: 'test/example.jpg'

// buffer should equal the contents of './example.jpg'


All methods take a generic Options Object which may specify auth, bucket, and file properties.


Storage authentication (gcs docs)

  • projectId
  • keyFilename
  • email
  • credentials
  • client_email
  • private_key
  • autoRetry
  • maxRetries
  • promise

Note that the preferred way of authenticating with GCS is to use the GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS environment variable, which case, nothing from this section is a required param to storage.

Bucket (gcs docs)

  • bucket - string, required name of bucket to operate against

File (gcs docs)

  • key - string, required name of file in bucket to operate against


  • path - string, optional gs:// url including both bucket and key. Note that specifying a path will override any bucket or key that is specified.

Convenience Methods

This module uses the defaults pattern similar to node's popular request module.

storage.defaults(opts) => storage

This method returns a wrapper around the normal storage api that defaults to whatever options you pass to it.

Note: You can call .defaults() on the wrapper that is returned from storage.defaults to add/override defaults that were previously defaulted.



Returns the length of the remote file specified by the given bucket and key.

storage.contentLength({ key }) => Promise<Number>


Copies one remote file to another file location. Note that both the source and dest files are specified via the common parameters specified above and will inherit from values specified on the storage defaults.

storage.copyFile(source, dest) => Promise


Downloads the remote file specified by the given bucket and key to a Buffer.

storage.downloadBuffer({ key }) => Promise<Buffer>


Downloads the remote file specified by the given bucket and key to a readable stream.

storage.downloadStream({ key }) => ReadableStream


Downloads the remote file specified by the given bucket and key to a local file.

storage.downloadFile({ key, localPath }) => Promise

  • localPath - string, required path of the destination file


Returns a signed url to access the remote file specified by the given bucket and key.

Note that the returned url has a TTL and may have ACLs applied to it.

storage.getSignedUrl({ key }) => Promise<String>

  • options - object, optional
  • options.expires - number | string | date, optional expiration date for the url (defaults to 2 days from Date.now())
  • options.action - string, optional acl (gcs docs)


Moves one remote file to another file location. Note that both the source and dest files are specified via the common parameters specified above and will inherit from values specified on the storage defaults.

storage.moveFile(source, dest) => Promise


Uploads a buffer to the remote file specified by the given bucket and key.

storage.uploadBuffer({ key, buffer, metadata, options }) => Promise

  • buffer - Buffer, required Buffer to upload
  • metadata - Object, optional resource metadata to be attached to the upload (gcs docs)
  • options - Object, optional additional options to customize the upload (gcs docs)


Uploads the contents of a local file to the remote file specified by the given bucket and key.

storage.uploadFile({ key, localPath, metadata, options }) => Promise

  • localPath - string, required path of the local source file
  • metadata - Object, optional resource metadata to be attached to the upload (gcs docs)
  • options - Object, optional additional options to customize the upload (gcs docs)

Note that uploadFile defaults its resource metadata to the content-type and content-length of the local file (via mime-types).


Uploads a readable stream to the file specified by the given bucket and key.

storage.uploadStream({ key, stream, metadata, options }) => Promise

  • stream - stream, required readable stream to upload
  • metadata - Object, optional resource metadata to be attached to the upload (gcs docs)
  • options - Object, optional additional options to customize the upload (gcs docs)


MIT © Travis Fischer

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