
Small module wrapper for the AWS sdk that allows you to easily use s3 or the local file system

MIT License



Small module wrapper for the AWS sdk that allows you to easily use s3.

Supports the local file system as well with the same set of operations so you can easily develop without having internet access

npm install s3-storage


var s3 = require('s3-storage')('my-bucket', {
  secretAccessKey: '...',
  accessKeyId: '...'

s3.put('hello', 'world', function () {
  s3.get('hello', console.log)

Or if you want use the file system locally instead

var s3 = require('s3-storage')('my-bucket', {
  type: 'fs' // will store the data in ./my-bucket

// s3 has the same api


var s3 = s3storage(bucket, [options])

Make a new storage instance. Options include:

  type: 's3' | 'fs' // defaults to s3
  secretAccessKey: '...'
  accessKeyId: '...', // both forwarded to the AWS sdk
  region: 'us-west-2', // the default region
  // Prefix all operations. eg `test` to prefix all under `test/`
  // note that '' results in the empty prefix, which means all your objects
  // will go in the folder `/`
  prefix: null

s3.put(key, value, [metadata], [callback])

Write a new value.

s3.get(key, callback)

Read a value out

s3.del(key, [callback])

Delete a value

s3.delBatch(objects, [callback])

Delete multiple values. Objects should look like this:

  key: `value/key`, // required
  version: `version` // optional

s3.createReadStream(key, options)

Create a readable stream to a key.

s3.createWriteStream(key, options)

Create a writeable stream to a key. Options include

  length: sizeOfStream, // required

s3.rename(src, dest, [callback])

Rename a folder/file

s3.exists(key, callback)

Check if a key exists.

s3.stat(key, callback)

Return stat info about a key. The returned object looks like this:

  size: sizeOfValue,
  modified: lastModifiedDate

s3.versions(key, callback)

Get a list of versions of a specific key. You can pass the version to stat, exists, get, createReadStream and del to interact with a specific one.

var stream = s3.list([options])

Create a list stream. Each data emitted looks like this

  key: 'value/key', // the value key
  size: 24, // how many bytes
  modified: Date() // when was it modified last?

Options include:

  prefix: 'foo', // only list keys under foo
  marker: 'foo/bar/baz', // only list keys after foo/bar/baz
  limit: 14 // only return this many


This project was kindly sponsored by nearForm.
