Web based alarm clock


ALARMd is a User customizable, browser embedded online internet alarm clock capable of playing YouTube videos, MP3's.

Feature List

Easy Alarm Mode: No more fumbling around when you just want one simple easy-to-add alarm.

Google Calendar Alarm Mode: Customize your alarm schedule to your hearts content, it will load your alarms straight from a publicly available Google Calendar. There are some great features with this:

  • Load only the first calendar event of every day
  • Day Limiter (Example: Only load calendar events within the next 3 days)
  • Minute Adjuster (Example: Alarm me 90 minutes before work without adding
    a separate event)
  • Google does a nice job of normalizing dates as well, so you don't
    have to worry about calendar time syncing. If it says 8AM on your
    calendar, it will alarm you at 8AM on your computer local time.

New Clock Formats:

  • Human Readable Clock Format: Think Half Past Two or A Quarter Til Twelve.
    This idea is from Laurence Willmott's Project "It's about Time." I took
    some liberties with his labeling scheme, I hope he doesn't mind.
  • Metric Time Format: Shows the measurement Centi-days in Local Metric
    Time. Basically, it shows a percentage of much of the day has passed. If
    it's 80.000, 80 percent of the day has passed, which coincides with 7:12 PM.
  • Unit Circle Time Format: Displays the time in radians that would be shown if a
    clock were pasted on top of a unit circle. If its 12 o’clock, it will read π/2.
    After programming this one, it’s starting to seem normal in my brain. Oh, it’s
    3π/2? Time to eat dinner. How the hell did it get 2π/3??
  • Human Readable Alarm Dates: Think “29 Minutes”, “1 Hour”, “2 Days Ago”.

Preloads all Youtube videos in the background when the page loads using the new Youtube JavaScript? API. This means that alarmd no longer needs an internet connection at the time the alarm goes off (it will need internet to pre-load the video).

Repeat option for YouTube videos and MP3’s. Turn infinite loop on or off. Careful with this one. Don’t leave ALARMd going if you’re not going to be home when it goes off.

CSS Skins, Use the really simple ones I’ve included for Red, Green, or Blue, or include your own URL to your own hosted CSS file.

Provides CSS class hooks to spice up your skins. These are CSS classes that are added to the body tag to allow you to style the alarm differently depending on the alarm clock’s current state. Future enhancements might include more than just alarm-based hooks: Year, day of the year, and hour of the day might be useful, that way you could style the clock to show a lighter background during the day and a darker background at night.

.alarmWithin30Minutes .alarmWithin15Minutes .alarmWithin5Minutes .alarmWithin1Minute .alarmActive (Alarm is being played)

Test Button to make sure the video or source is working and to check your volume.

Count Down mode to show the time between now and the first alarm.

Store your own list of alarm sources, using YouTube?, MP3, or any URL (Pandora is included).

Military time (24 hour clock) and seconds toggle.

Naked mode (get rid of the extras)