
A simple, light and pretty pure javascript for developing browser dialogs and notifications which is following Google's Material Design guidelines. Obviously, it is responsive and no need other library

MIT License


Alerty npm

A simple, light and pretty pure javascript for developing browser dialogs and notifications which is following Google's Material Design guidelines. Obviously, it is responsive and no need other library.


you can install alerty with npm

npm install alerty
var alerty = require('alerty');

or with bower

bower install alerty

Alternatively, download the package and reference the JavaScript and CSS files manually:

<script src="dist/js/alerty.min.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="dist/css/alerty.min.css">


you can run example local with gulp if node has been installed:

cd alerty
npm install

or test it on jsfiddle


For alert dialog

alerty.alert('Hello, World!');

For toasts

alerty.toasts('Something has been done!');

For confirm dialog

alerty.confirm('Are you sure?', funtion() {
  console.log('ok callback'); // do something
}, function(){
  console.log('cancel callback'); // do something

For prompt dialog

  'Please write some thing', 
    inputType: 'email', // input type
    inputPlaceholder: 'fill the blank'
    alerty.alert('value you typed is: <b>'+value+'</b>')


alerty.toasts(content[, opts], callback)

param type description
content string message to display
opts object options, optional
callback function callback after alerty closed


name type default description
place string 'bottom' 'top' can be choosed
bgColor string '#323232' background color of dialog body
fontColor string '#fff' font color of dialog message
time number 2000 time delay for dialog auto closed

alerty.alert(content[, opts], onOk)

param type description
content string message to display
opts object options, optional
onOk function callback after click ok button


name type default description
title string '' title of dialog
okLabel string 确定 ok button text

alerty.confirm(content[, opts], onOk, onCancel)

param type description
content string message to display
opts object options
onOk function callback after click ok button
onCancel function callback after click cancel button


name type default description
title string '' title of dialog
okLabel string 确定 ok button text
cancelLabel string 取消 cancel button text

alerty.prompt(content[, opts], onOk, onCancel)

param type description
content string message to display
opts object options
onOk function callback after click ok button, argument value, like above example
onCancel function callback after click cancel button


name type default description
title string '' title of dialog
okLabel string 确定 ok button text
cancelLabel string 取消 cancel button text
inputType string 'text' input type, such as 'password', 'email'
inputPlaceholder 'text' '' input placeholder text
inputValue 'text' '' default input value

Browser support

Alerty is tested and works in:

  • IE8+
  • Latest Stable: Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Edge
  • Android 4.0 and Latest
  • iOS7 and Latest


If you have good ideas or suggestions, please issue or pull request


Alerty is licensed under MIT