
<pure-dialog> is a 3k, self-contained, pure JavaScript dialog

MIT License



A small (3.3kb), self-contained, pure JavaScript modal dialog designed to simplify the creation of dialogs in Web and Hybrid Mobile apps.

<pure-dialog id="example" data-title="Pure Dialog Demo" buttons="Absolutely, No">
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Try the demo

How to use

Add dist/pure-dialog.min.js and dist/pure-dialog.min.css files to your page.

If your browser does not support Web Components you will need to add the document.registerElement polyfill.


<pure-dialog id="example" data-title="Pure Dialog Demo" buttons="Absolutely, No">
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In JavaScript

// create the element
var dialog = document.createElement('pure-dialog');

// set its properties
dialog.id = 'example';
dialog.title = 'Pure Dialog Demo';
dialog.content = 'Hello there';
dialog.buttons = 'Yes, No';
dialog.buttonValueSeparator = ',';
dialog.closeButton = false;

// append to DOM

// show as a modal


Assuming var dialog = document.getElementById('example'):

dialog.show();        // show the dialog
dialog.showModal();   // show the dialog as a modal
dialog.close();       // close the dialog
dialog.appendToDOM(); // add the dialog to the DOM (not require if using HTML literal)
dialog.remove();      // remove the dialog from the DOM


All pure-dialog events bubble up so it is possible to listen for pure-dialog events at the root of the DOM. Assuming var dialog = document.getElementById('example'):


// detect button clicks on the #example element
dialog.addEventListener('pure-dialog-button-clicked', function(e) {

  if (e.detail === 'Absolutely') {
    // Absolutely was clicked!
  else {
    // Absolutely was not clicked, stop the dialog from closing ;)

// or detect button click on all dialogs in the DOM
document.addEventListener('pure-dialog-button-clicked', function(e) {
  console.log(e.detail); // log button label


// detect closed clicked
dialog.addEventListener('pure-dialog-close-clicked', function(e) {
  console.log(e.target.id) // log dialog id
  // stop the dialog from closing using e.preventDefault()


// detect dialog is opening
dialog.addEventListener('pure-dialog-opening', function(e) {
  console.log(e.target.id) // log dialog id
  // stop the dialog from opening using e.preventDefault()


// detect dialog has opened
dialog.addEventListener('pure-dialog-opened', function(e) {
  console.log(e.target.id) // log dialog id


// detect dialog is closing
dialog.addEventListener('pure-dialog-closing', function(e) {
  console.log(e.target.id) // log dialog id
  // stop the dialog from closing using e.preventDefault()


// detect dialog has closed
dialog.addEventListener('pure-dialog-closed', function(e) {
  console.log(e.target.id) // log dialog id


// detect dialog is appending to DOM
dialog.addEventListener('pure-dialog-appending', function(e) {
  console.log(e.target.id) // log dialog id
  // stop the dialog from been inserted using e.preventDefault()


// detect dialog removed from DOM
dialog.addEventListener('pure-dialog-removing', function(e) {
  console.log(e.target.id) // log dialog id
  // stop the dialog from been removed using e.preventDefault()


// executes when the element is ready for interaction
dialog.addEventListener('pure-dialog-ready', function(e) {
  console.log(e.target.id) // log dialog id

TODO: document these events

  • pure-dialog-body-rendered
  • pure-dialog-title-rendered
  • pure-dialog-buttons-rendered

Properties and attributes

JS Property HTML Attribute Description Type Default
title data-title Get/set the dialog title string empty
buttons buttons Get/set comma separated list of buttons string empty
buttonValueSeparator button-value-separator Get/set character to use to split button values string ,
closeButton close-button If true, renders a close button boolean false
removeOnClose remove-on-close If true, remove dialog from DOM on close boolean false
autoClose auto-close auto close when button clicked boolean true
content n/a Injects HTML into body of dialog string empty
body n/a Gets dialog inner body tag object null

Assuming var dialog = document.getElementById('example'):

dialog.title = 'Pure Dialog Demo';        // set title
dialog.buttons = 'Absolutely|No';         // set buttons
dialog.buttonValueSeparator = '|';        // button values are separated by pipe
dialog.closeButton = true;                // set close button visibility
dialog.removeOnClose = true;              // remove dialog from DOM on close
dialog.autoClose = false;                 // do not auto close when button clicked
dialog.content = 'Hello World!';          // set dialog body HTML
dialog.body.textContent = 'Hello World';  // set inner text via body tag


pure-dialog was designed to be light and so only produces the following output, making it easy to style:

<pure-dialog id="example" data-title="Pure Dialog Demo" buttons="Absolutely, No">
  <div class="pure-dialog-container">
    <div class="pure-dialog-title">Pure Dialog Demo</div>
    <div class="pure-dialog-body">Is this project worth a star?</div>
    <div class="pure-dialog-buttons">
      <input class="pure-dialog-button" type="button" value="Absolutely">
      <input class="pure-dialog-button" type="button" value="No">

To change the style of a particular button, you could use its value as a selector:

#example input[value="Absolutely"] { background: #880000; }

Unit Tests

  1. Checkout using git clone https://github.com/john-doherty/pure-dialog
  2. Navigate into project folder cd pure-dialog
  3. Install dependencies npm install
  4. Run the tests npm test


  1. Fork it!
  2. Create your feature branch: git checkout -b my-new-feature
  3. Commit your changes: git commit -m 'Add some feature'
  4. Push to the branch: git push origin my-new-feature
  5. Submit a pull request

Star the repo

If you find this useful, star the repo, it motivates me to continue development :)


For change-log, check releases.


Licensed under MIT License © John Doherty