
Split your UI into (wizard-like) steps in AngularJS.

MIT License



Wrap your Angular UI logic into a series of steps (pages/slides).



$ bower install angular-steps --save

Include the style sheet and library in your web page:

<link href="bower_components/angular-steps/dist/angular-steps.css" rel="stylesheet">
<script src="bower_components/angular-steps/dist/angular-steps.js"></script>

angular-steps has no other dependencies than Angular itself, and ngAnimate if you want animated transition effects.


Require angular-steps as a dependency for your app:

angular.module('MyApp', ['angular-steps']);

Start creating some steps around your UI:

        <h1>Step 1</h1>
        <button step-next>Next</button>
        <h1>Step 2</h1>
        <button step-previous>Previous</button>

The main <steps> directive has the following (optional) attributes:

  • name: Name of the group of steps. Use if you have multiple <steps> to
    reference them in the ServiceHandler.
  • template: Path to a custom template.
  • current-step: Variable containing the name of the currently selected step.
    Can also be used to change selected step.
  • on-finish: Scope function to be called when the user has been through all steps.


You can step navigate back and forward between the steps using these built-in attributes:

  • step-next: Go to next step.
  • step-previous: Go to previous step.
  • step-cancel: Go to first step.
  • step-finish: Triggers the on-finish callback. Clicking step-next on
    the last step will have same effect.

All attributes can receive an optional function to be called before changing the step:

<button step-next="doStuff()">Next</button>

In this case, doStuff() will be called before going to the next step.

Accessing steps from the controller

If you want to access and manipulate the steps from the controller, you can inject the StepsHandler.

This example validates that the input name is "Marvin" and proceeds to the next step:

        <input type="text" ng-model="name">
        <button ng-click="validateAndSubmit">Save my name</button>
myapp.controller('MyCtrl', ['StepsService', function (stepsService) {
    $scope.validateAndSubmit = function () {
        if ($ === 'Marvin') {

You can use the following functions on StepsService.steps():

  • next(): Go to next step.
  • previous(): Go to previous step.
  • cancel(): Go to first step.
  • finish(): Triggers the on-finish callback.
  • goTo( number | name ): Go to a specific step. Argument can be
    either a number (zero-based index) or the name of a step.
  • selectedIndex(): Get current step index.

You can get the number of steps from StepsService.steps().steps.length.

Multiple steps

If you have multiple <steps> in your page and wish to access them from the StepsService, be sure to specify a unique name on each like so:

<steps name="myLoginFlow"> ... </steps>
<steps name="mySecondFlow"> ... </steps>

Access them by name to avoid conflicts:



By default the steps are overlayed on top of each other using position: absolute and z-index.

If you want to style each step individually, you can apply a CSS class to it as you would any element:

<step class="step-yellow">
.step-yellow {
    background: yellow;

The default styles for angular-steps are supplied in both CSS, SCSS and LESS format, whichever your prefer.


You can animate the transition between the steps using ngAnimate. The following styles will add a fade in/out animation between the steps:

.angular-steps {
    transition: all 0.6s ease-in-out;
    opacity: 1;
.angular-steps {
    opacity: 0;


This project was inspired by angular-wizard by @mgonto. angular-steps is intended to be simpler, with a subset of features, smaller footprint and fewer dependencies.