
AsYouWish is a browser add-on (currently Firefox only) to allow requests for browser privileges to be made from regular HTML.

OTHER License



Note: To the extent this add-on can be salvaged, some work is underway in a branch of WebAppFind to restore this functionality. If it is decided not to be included, it may be moved back to this repository.

Important note: This project is no longer functional in the latest Firefox versions. If someone is capable of addressing the complex JavaScript issues in Firefox as per this bug it is possible that the current problem can be overcome, but at this point it seems that I will not be able to fix it myself.

AsYouWish is a browser add-on (currently Firefox only) to allow requests for browser privileges to be made from regular HTML. The latest release should be at .

Using this add-on is at this point still potentially quite dangerous, e.g., to your data (not only browser data) so don't install--especially at this time--unless you are willing to take the risks. It is hoped this may go through a thorough security vetting as part of the process to get the add-on accepted at AMO.

I recently encountered a privileged AsYouWish request while visiting; it is possible that a malicious third-party added some code which Yahoo included (and sites not familiar with AsYouWish might not be familiar with the consequences of including code aimed for it). (I unfortunately rejected the request before noticing what exact privileges had been sought or which domain/code segment had been responsible for the request.) This points to the dangers of approving privileges on any site which is not actively prohibiting untrusted third-party code.

The current way this add-on may be tested is either through the built XPI file included with the source, or by using the SDK cfx tool.

Obviously allowing privileges may be dangerous if used by a malicious site (as with addons), so there needs to be a way to inform the user that there is a request and allow them to refuse or accept. AsYouWish tries to provide this.

No site can even ask for privileges until the user configures AsYouWish to allow requests from their site (or type of site). (See the "Usage of the options dialog" section below for more details.) So if the user effectively says through their options, "Go ahead and let any HTTPS site ask me for privileges", the addon will allow that, but the default is to require the site to be added to a whitelist before it can even ask the user for permission and then the user will need to agree.

While this makes it harder for developers to get users set up (as the users will first need to learn how to configure the addon to let the site even ask them), this is intended to provide some means of protecting users from themselves, especially those users who just click "ok" to dismiss warnings without first reading them. The privileges that can be granted to sites are as dangerous as being able to read the user's bank passwords, read and control what tabs they have open, visit other sites in their name, read or destroy their local files, etc. etc. Yes, this is dangerous stuff, but that capability is also available to regular addons, and can be used to provide useful functionality to users (e.g., a password manager, a file browser, etc.). This add-on makes explicit exactly what is being requested of users and somewhat easier for developers to create.

The API mirrors the Mozilla Add-ons SDK API, so there is little new for developers to learn who are familiar with this API. It is also hoped that this API might be mirrored in other browsers in the future.

Access is granted to specific URLs, not including the query string/hash. Privileges do not apply site or even folder wide (to allow a greater sense of security and choice in case a website allows third party add-ons which may seek their own privileges).

Before granting permission to any site to use AsYouWish, please note that even well-meaning websites may, if poorly designed (as with a poorly designed browser add-on), expose your system to exploitation. For example, if a website allows user comments but does not properly escape them according to standard security practices, it would be possible for a malicious individual to inject code into the site (whether scripts, links, etc.) for which you have granted AsYouWish privileges which could then abuse those privileges when you visit the site and do great harm to your system.

Another important risk to avoid is in the case of bookmarklets. Bookmarklets are links which you can drag to your browser's bookmarks toolbar which, when subsequently clicked from your toolbar, will run the code included as part of the link as if the code were running on the currently displayed page. So, it is important not to add bookmarklets from untrusted sources especially if you try to click them while visiting pages for which you have granted AsYouWish permissions.

You can see this in action (but in a safe way!) at the following site (also in the source of this repo).

Note: For greater security I have updated my password and SSH keys on Github (and updated email accounts) after the Heartbleed patches were applied by Github. No suspicious activity was found.

Usage of the options dialog

To see the options dialog icon (which must be clicked to see the options), you will need to open the Add-on Bar (View->Toolbars->Add-on Bar (or Options->Add-on Bar).

While I hope to simplify the dialog in the future for the average user, AsYouWish currently offers a rather high degree of control over exactly what privileges can be approved or even requested and from what sites or types of sites privileges may be requested.

A site can be allowed the ability to REQUEST a privilege (though you will still have to approve the request) by one of the following means:

  1. Enable "Allow privilege requests from all protocols" (which will also enable
    "Allow privilege requests from all websites whose protocols are allowed"). This
    is the most dangerous option as it can cause a security risk if you approve
    privileges even to trusted sites (if a hacker can get between you and the
    site). This is not recommended.
  2. "Allow privilege requests from all websites whose protocols are allowed"
    with the particular protocol, added to the "Allowed protocols" list. This is less
    risky than #1, but can still face the same danger as #1 if non-secure protocols
    like "http" are allowed. By default only "https" and "file" protocols are allowed,
    as they should hopefully not be subject to any kind of man-in-the-middle
    attack (though they can still be dangerous if the originating site is malicious
    or itself subject to exploits).
  3. Add a specific website to "Allowed websites" via "Grab current website" or
    "Select local file" and then select "Allow on visit" ("Allow as addon" will
    also do so, but not all sites will work as addons, and for the
    ones that can, it may not be necessary since the site can itself request
    "addon" privileges once the site is granted the right to make requests
    via "Allow on visit"; see the '"Addon" websites' section below for more).
    This option is normally more secure than #1 or #2
    because arbitrary sites cannot request privileges, but if you whitelist
    an unsafe site or protocol, you may still be subject to danger.

If none of the above are enabled, the site cannot even ask you for privileges, let alone be granted them, but if any one of them is enabled, the site can at least ask for privileges.

If you want to live a little dangerously (you are not afraid of accidentally or mindlessly pulling the approval pulldown to say grant any site very dangerous privileges), you can select #2 and then any website can immediately request privileges without any extra hassle for you or the website; you can still disapprove, but it puts you a little closer to danger, so it is not allowed by default.

You could also select #1 to allow even sites like "http" websites to ask you for privileges, but this is inherently dangerous because non-secure protocols like "http" allow hackers to potentially get between your browser and even a trustworthy site. This is not recommended.

As far as the specific lists of websites shown in the options dialog:

  1. "Allowed websites" refers to sites which are explicitly allowed to
    REQUEST privileges. That's all.
  2. "Websites from which specific privileges have already been
    requested by the site and approved" refers to sites which can
    request and have requested privileges, AND for which the user
    has already approved privileges. These sites will also be shown in #1,
    but not all of #1 will necessarily be here.
  3. "Websites which will be executed (in hidden windows) on browser
    restart" refers to sites which have been requested by the site (or
    designated by the user) to run anytime the browser restarts (and when
    first added by the user). Such sites are also allowed to request
    privileges (so they will also appear in #1), but the user must still
    explicitly approve any other privileges that such "addon" sites
    request (before they can appear with the specifically
    approved privileges in #2).

Removing an item from the allowed list, will remove it from the allowed, approved, and addons lists (if present).

Removing from the approved list will only remove it from that list (since the user may still wish to allow sites the ability to request other privileges). Similarly, removing from the addon list, will only remove it there since the user may wish to still allow the site to request privileges without running on browser restart.

Finally, the whitelisting of specific privileges (if the checklist is enabled to enforce the whitelist) will prevent any privileges from being requested or granted (even if the site is otherwise allowed to request privileges). Tooltips are available to explain the APIs at some level, but these are only my layman's understanding of the API so if in doubt, please see the SDK documentation. Note that (when the checklist is enforced), requests to act as an addon can be enabled or prevented via the presence or absence of the "x-register" privilege in the whitelist (but this item will not disable or prevent already approved addons or explicitly added ones).

"Addon" websites

AsYouWish allows websites to be run as "addons". While these "addon" websites do not automatically gain additional privileges, they will be able to request additional privileges upon load and they are loaded in a hidden window immediately upon approval and upon each browser restart.

This can be used, for example, to add a ui panel to the add-on bar (or say add to the context menu, etc.) to function similarly to normal addons--except that you never need to zip up your HTML file (though the site can take advantage of HTML5 features for offline caching).

Currently, "Allow as addon" does not automatically give privileges--though it can request them; it simply means it will be launched in a hidden window on each restart (and when first chosen).

Note however that even if a site has only asked for "addon" privileges, one might still consider it as a privacy concern for a site to know when you are loading your browser and may add a performance load.

Regarding the distinction between an addon and regular privileged site, normally the site will determine which way it will run. However, one can install from a local file, for example, and the file could be designed to be usable either as an addon and/or as a regular site, so that choice is made available (e.g., if you only want a global context menu to appear when you are ready to work on such a project, you can bookmark the page without adding the page as an "addon", while other users might wish to always see the functionality upon browser restarts).

One may use AsYouWish's options (its icon is in the add-on bar) to remove a site from being treated as an add-on, but if you have assigned privileges to an untrustworthy site, damages may have already been done.

For developer information on "addon" websites, see Add-on websites.

For the concept of a Browser-in-Browser (to allow a regular website to function as the browser UI) and the idea for it to become itself extensible with addons, see the section "Some additional intended use cases" below.

IMPORTANT information for developers

Advantages over custom add-ons

Web applications already are gaining potential access to dangerous features (e.g., Geolocation) and are thankfully starting to work more like desktop apps, with offline storage, caching manifests, desktop notifications, so it is, I think, a natural step to allow HTML to gain access to the browser ecosystem in an ideally eventually standard way since it is ALREADY POSSIBLE to write privileged code with easy installation by users--they're called browser add-ons. :)

For those who would accuse AsYouWish of introducing undue risks, I want to point out that third-party installation of addons is still possible at the time of writing (and that doesn't tell you what risks might be present; AsYouWish at least tries to tell you some of the risks that may be involved). Although Mozilla states they might make 3rd-party installation of addons more difficult in the future, I might point out that for a browser to remain open, it will presumably still need to at least allow some way for the user to opt in to allowing sites to allow privileged addons (so that Mozilla is not the exclusive gate-keeper). And refusing to allow an easy and potentially standard means of writing addons via regular websites strikes me as hardly being in the spirit of openness, especially when there does not appear to be any essential security difference between addons and AsYouWish-enabled sites.

But yes, as with add-ons I would hope such as Mozilla may be able to host such privileged HTML at their Marketplace as they do with add-ons and non-privileged web apps, providing added peace of mind to users that the apps they are installing are reviewed for security.

  1. AsYouWish informs the user of exactly which privileges are being
    required--addons, on the other hand, are, if approved by the user,
    given full privileges without discrimination (though the ones hosted at are vetted at least for security and I was told that
    Mozilla intends to make it harder to install (presumably non-AMO) 3rd
    party add-ons).
  2. This approach could I think more probably become standardized upon so
    developers could use just one way to request such privileges, rather than
    creating different code for different browsers (and forcing the user to
    use a particular browser).
  3. It allows the developer to host the content at their own site in a simple
    way (or just on their own machine) without packaging up their files into
    special zip files, etc. in order to get privileged access, as is necessary
    with addons (though the user can utilize HTML5-standard means of
    offline manifests and the like to work offline). The fewer the obstacles,
    and shorter the testing iteration cycle, the faster developers can create
    and users can see good quality tools.
  4. Avoids requirement to developer to add a lot of meta-data at the
    get-go or to bother the user to add such sites to their addon registry or
    consume resources on browser restart when they only need one-time or
    occasional privileged app usage (though as per possible future goals, I
    would like to allow optional full addon registration in the future).
  5. Would simplify addon submission as well, as user could simply point
    to their site, rather than having to upload their files.
  6. Might even replace addons-specific packaging,
    thereby creating a single process for making regular websites,
    Marketplace apps, and addons (with the Marketplace enabled by default
    as the only site allowing requests for privileges) and allowing
    easy hackability on one's desktop.
  7. Allows debugging to be done on one's own site rather than say at the
    Addons Builder site, though it would be ideal if there could be some open
    REST API or the like (maybe with a client-side API as with BrowserID) to
    allow the addon to ask itself to provide a credentialed update for incremental
    unapproved versions to the Builder site, as well as an API to request review
    for the add-on (or delete itself, etc.). This would also allow alternative
    web-based IDEs to handle local development yet have access to rapid
    submission for review at AMO as with the builder site--without the cruft of
    downloading some custom non-JavaScript (i.e., Python) build environment.
  8. Allows user to leverage browser features of their choice such as
    bookmarking, history, tabs, pinned tabs, Panorama groups, etc. when accessing
    privileged web apps.
  9. Allows use within any iframe of any web app on the web.

AsYouWish has also added its own support now for "addon" websites, thus allowing the benefits above to be available on each browser restart, with the user's permission.

Comparison to Open Web apps

While Open Web apps do have privileged potential, they currently do not appear open to exposing full addons privileges. Also, although the Mozilla Marketplace lets one target a website to install it, and one can have non-privileged apps installed from a site without packaging the file, there does not appear to be a way that a site can request privileges for itself to be installed with higher-than-website privileges (though privileges which are still limited in comparison to addon privileges) without the user creating a specially packaged file.

Comparison to Plugins like Flash

I'm hoping this can really turn into an API agreed on by the browsers so available by default. The add-on itself is written in JavaScript, so hopefully accessible enough to easy introspection. AsYouWish has no need for special file formats, HTML object tags, etc.

Comparison to ActiveX /

This is similar to these technologies, but the aim is to be potentially cross-browser (and enablePrivilege is out the door now in Firefox).

While this addon does not allow you to use the same old API, a similar level of trust with sites being able to request privileges if from a signed script, can be enforced by enabling the options checkbox "Allow privilege requests from all websites whose protocols are allowed". Then you will not need to first add sites to the allowed whitelist (see the "Usage of the options dialog" section though on security concerns).

Comparison to Microsoft HTA (HTML Application) files

While the concepts are similar, AsYouWish differs in these regards:

  1. HTA files, when run from the browser, require user permission before
    loading; AsYouWish allows web applications to function normally while
    conditionally requesting support for higher privileges without being
    necessarily dependent on them. Admittedly, however, a dedicated
    content-type/file extension may be useful in the future toward promoting
    usage of the synchronous API.
  2. There is no means to execute AsYouWish with exe privileges unless
    the user has approved, though user may allow the "file" protocol to
    execute AsYouWish-enabled web applications locally.
  3. Although there is no <HTA:application> element for declaratively
    defining within HTML a means of accessing the "add-on", the user
    may pin the AsYouWish-enabled site as an application tab (a normal
    browser feature), and the developer may use the "ui" API to make
    the application accessible via the add-on bar (though the contentScript
    may need to be expressed as an eval-able string currently since it may
    otherwise expect the script files to be stored within the AsYouWish
    addon). Adding to the add-on bar so that it is available on browser restart
    is also possible as long as one registers it as an "addon" website. There
    is currently no formal means in AsYouWish to allow genuine add-on
    registration (i.e., to cause "addon" websites to appear within the Addons
    dialog), though it is a possible todo for the future.
  4. HTA files apparently provide, once the user has permitted their
    execution, full access to privileged APIs such as ActiveXObject,
    execCommand, and window.clipboardData. While it should be
    possible to emulate IE in this regard, I felt it was not worthwhile given
    the proprietary nature of ActiveXObject and its arguments, the
    lack of a uniform privileged API, and the apparent lack of (easy?)
    extensibility of IE itself to support the APIs such as are being added
    now to Firefox. The same APIs would also not be mirrorable within
    regular websites using AsYouWish's asynchronous API.

Comparison to AppJS/Deskshell and node-webkit

AppJS (or Deskshell) and node-webkit offer a similar feature set to AsYouWish, i.e., client-side web language-based apps with privileged access. However, these operate as executables independent of the browser whereas AsYouWish operates within the browser.

The node-based projects of course offer access to the feature set of Node.js, while AsYouWish offers access to the Firefox Addon SDK (and through it, if necessary, to Firefox's XPCOM components). Both can be used for access to the file system (in fact, the SDK is moving to use the same API here as Node.js). Mozilla, moreover, is apparently open to using the Node.js API on a case-by-case basis so if one writes using the synchronous style, one may be able to write code which can readily be ported from AsYouWish (at least to node-webkit). The Addons SDK even has its own server API. AsYouWish, through the the Addons SDK, however, can, unlike Node.js, obtain potential access to privileged browser APIs (with user permission).

By working within the browser, AsYouWish can avoid extra installations (beyond Firefox and the AsYouWish add-on); the user simply has to approve a site.

AsYouWish allows HTML and will be treated as Firefox would treat any other HTML page with the exception of the privileged AsYouWish calls; it also does not require special packaging. The other projects do leverage Chromium, which may have some HTML5 features not present in Firefox (and vice versa):

As far as the use case for independent executables to allow such programs to operate independently of one's browser profile (e.g., without having to open up Firefox with all of one's tabs, add-ons, etc.), Windows users might create shortcuts to cmd.exe which open a web app in Firefox under a new profile. But if one does wish privileged apps to be opened merely as new tabs or windows within Firefox, this is also possible (by avoiding the profile command line flag).

Work is planned for Executable Builder (work not yet ready for release) to assist in the creation of executables which can work in such a manner as well as be associated with the right-click "Open with" functionality of desktop files as with WebAppFind (and it is hoped that AsYouWish can then allow a custom module (or perhaps via command line instructions to Executable Builder) to allow Executable Builder functions such as associating desktop file extensions with web applications to be requested via the web).

XULRunner might also conceivably be used with WebAppFind instead of Firefox for a more light weight "executable" environment.

Comparison to "Molecule Man" in the Marvel Universe

Sorry, I just love the analogy too much whereby the "Molecule Man" in Marvel comics discovers, courtesy of a God-like being, that it has only been a mental block keeping him from manipulating organic matter in addition to inorganic matter. While the danger there too is clear, there are similarly a potentially great many benefits.

My feeling is that inhibitions have kept the web from being opened up to a wider developer base as with the web, both with addons' cross-browser incompatibilities, need for dealing with zipping and installing special file formats, etc., as well as a helpless attidue that "The web is the web, the browser is the browser, and never the twain shall meet".

(Thanks to Marvel for great comic fun (the low-res image is from Marvel's copyrighted work) and thanks to the folks (Supermorff and m1shawhan) at the Marvel Database for finding and scanning the image!)

Some additional intended use cases

  1. One particular reason I am interested in this is that I feel it is unfortunate that for current web applications, different third parties cannot access a shared database hosted privately in the user's browser (unless it "belongs" to one of the websites). For example, in an application I'm hoping to build, I'd like to let the user store books they have found and browsed offline, but I'd also like to expose the data so that other web applications could also access it (if the user permitted), allowing people to innovate into the future without requiring new ways of storing the data. I could provide an API specific to my site, but I'd like this to be doable in a neutral and familiar way.

  2. I also like the idea of a browser-in-a-browser which could theoretically be done with privileges and shared databases (others have done a browser-in-browser using the Flash plugin, but I'd like to see it work without plugins--I'm hoping Mozilla may eventually come around to including something like AsYouWish by default since it now uses a whitelist, etc. by default). The advantage I see to this is that it may allow normal web developers the ability to use familiar and easier languages to innovate with user interfaces, while accessing the trickier and lower level plumbing handled by the browsers.

I'd also like to see support for PUT editing (for built-in publishing).

Also a browser as in a Gopher-like remote file browser.

If approach in using nsIPermissionManager doesn't work, when an AYW x-DOM request is made, we might re-open the AsYouWish document in a chrome URL, gaining chrome privs thereby (as per, thus allowing the AsYouWish app in an iframe to have full privileges (though also presumably any other child iframes unless there is a way around this), allowing us to listen for events within iframes to be able to track frame history (for the sake of backward/forward buttons); tracking in issue 4? These browsers might even be able to support their own "addons", e.g., via postMessage(), have their own "add-on bar", toolbar, pinned tabs, Panorama groups, etc. (via (x-namespaced-)simple-storage; see the incomplete demo). The browser-in-browser could work with the Executable Builder--when completed--as a separate executable (and accept its own command line args via WebAppFind).

  1. While the likes of Loomo or my Filebrowser-enhanced add-on are written as Firefox add-ons to provide file browsing within Firefox, AsYouWish also allows this possibility (see the file browser demo included in this AsYouWish repository). While users of web apps might not wish to replace their desktops (WebAppFind is designed for such users), such a HTML-based file browser could provide its own task bar for launching other AYW apps (and if run as an AsYouWish "add-on website", it could even--as with a Browser-in-Browser mentioned above--accept its own add-ons available on start-up). If Node APIs are brought over to the SDK, the same code base can be reused for a server-side file browser/editor. See the README of "Filebrowser-enhanced" for some possible todos here.

  2. Ability to distribute web utility apps which read or write to files, so web apps which, for example, build configuration files, do not need to force the user to copy paste from a text box or depend on downloading and installing some bulky server-side language interpreter (possibly in a non-JavaScript language).

  3. AsYouWish might even be used to make a server (given some support within Firefox for test servers) which could in turn be used in conjunction with WebAppFind (e.g., to pass privileged command instructions to the server) or to serve its own AsYouWish-privileged apps (which could listen for WebAppFind commands local to those visitors). A server connected to the administrator's browser privileges (including if an AsYouWish Browser-in-Browser were built) might be useful for the likes of displaying the songs the admin has downloaded and is listening to in a web app. Allow anyone to publish and administer!

This might be able to work as a file server as well as web server.

  1. Make desktop file editing as interconnected as the Web (one can already make file:// links but create an AsYouWish tool for local WYSIWYG HTML editing which is new-page-wiki-linking friendly! Use the same code base for a server-side wiki (including a remote PUT-saving file-based one).

  2. A macro program with differing levels of potential privileges. Could make command line requests, etc. for potential scripting of, and interaction with, outside apps. Might be expanded to do web-crawling and search indexing.

  3. jQuery/XQuery-like reshaping of remote HTML, ideally via HTTPQuery using JavaScript.

  4. Last but not least, a Git-accessible client-side web-based IDE/word processor... (Firefox can execute files and processes, so if nothing else, some kind of command-line interface, along the lines of the included command line demo).

Rejected ideas

  1. For security reasons, I decided against allowing an entire folder hierarchy to gain privileges without the need to make additional requests. The reason for this is that if the site included any untrusted 3rd party libraries within the directory, the user could be at risk (and would also require internal code changes as we are currently depending on site-specific preferences).

  2. There is no need to expose globals in the SDK of "self" (as it is only a part of content scripts, so page-mod can utilize within a string) or "addon" (which is for page-worker content scripts).

  3. While it would be convenient to drop it, I decided to require the full "sdk/" path for consumers of all APIs since usage without it is to be deprecated.

  4. Although we could potentially i18n-ize short priv names (and sort accordingly), since the tooltip gives the description, and since these are actual APIs, I felt it best to stay with the English for these.


  1. Any security issues? Safety of wrappings, require() object wrapping?
  2. Exposing additional globals? unsafeWindow or others otherwise accessible
    in addon code--e.g., is XPCNativeWrapper available through require('chrome')?
  3. Settle on sync or async API (probably async)? If do sync, should we allow
    postMessage to notify site of approval or allow callback for continued
    execution when not set yet (or just errBack with a new mode)? Or do as
    we currently do and refresh the window when the user approves. Should we
    allow the first required object to be returned synchronously in asynchronous
    calls? Should we reallow a single string (instead of a string in an array) for
    asynchronous calls?
  4. Integrate with ES6 modules
    and/or requireJS
    as plugin or even make API the same (and handle non-plugin
    requiring) so additional script not needed. Use with
    my shim plugin,
    so every environment from addons to privileged HTML to the server and regular
    client-side code can write clean modules in uniform manner.
  5. Inject AsYouWish methods as functions instead? (if possible to overcome
    exposedProps requirement with functions).

Known Issues

  1. instanceof issues with chrome content
    1. e.g., the wrapping within AsYouWish (using specialPowers/proxies)
      does not work with SDK Widget (/addon-sdk-1.16/lib/sdk/widget.js) which
      checks for instanceof Panel (resolved within AsYouWish by changing this
      code to duck type) though this one is now deprecated and ui appears to be working
      1. Note: this patch to widget.js within valid.panel had previously been sufficient:
        ok: function(v) !v || v instanceof panels.Panel || ( && typeof v.isShowing !== 'undefined') // Adding duck-typing to avoid wrapper complaining of instanceof
    2. workarounds most likely needed for other instanceof usages within
      the SDK (no way to get SDK to use custom instanceOf function
      that can be overridden?)
  2. Privileges don't load on initial browser load as apparently not injected
    at that time with content-document-global-created event.
  3. XUL elements are not supported, but see XUL in the Developer FAQ
    for a possible means around it (though probably better to move away from XUL
    unless standard support is added in the future for XBL). Being tracked now in
    issue 4.
  4. The exposure to users of the JSON-based preferences is clearly less than ideal
    (and the lack of incorporation of site-based prefs within about:permissions).

Possible future goals

  1. Expose custom APIs for (shareable) IndexedDB (if SDK does not do so)
  2. If at all possible, I would like to expose the ability to create genuine
    add-ons (which show up in the add-ons menu as well as being available at
    restart) without an XPI file and without needing to write one's own
    complex loading code.
  3. Blacklists might be a nice addition when whitelists are off (and allow
    additional refuse option to remove a site from allowed sites so
    it can't request privileges again, and/or to blacklist it). Also allow version
    of privilege type whitelist that is site-specific?
  4. Add localizations (i18n is done)
  5. Addon website store(s): let sites register themselves as stores, integrating
    with receipts, licenses, etc., and allowing, e.g., searching and display of
    featured "addon" websites within AsYouWish's "addon" websites manager via an
    open API (and not limited to even just one store at a time) and perhaps
    allowing a whole site to be deemed trustworthy upon
    initial permissions if the user agrees to permit such a store.
  6. Allow a means of forking a website which indicated its content could
    be installed under given licenses (or even if not, could allow client-side
  7. Allow websites to register their own modules for possible inclusion
    by other sites.
  8. Allow require_(['eval'], function () {}) which will toString() the
    function and eval() it with all privs (avoiding need to specify modules to load (pre-load
    chrome for convenience))? (but require expects static analysis)
  9. Package AYW for use as addon-dependency only (e.g., for
    Executable Builder using
    an icon handler without necessarily exposing all of AYW to sites)
  10. Expose AYW APIs to the command line (including preference and privilege
    1. Could be used with WebAppFind
      to open a file from the desktop into a web app in privileged mode
      (Executable Builder
      might facilitate this), possibly in conjunction with user prefs, but
      with override capability, including being opened in hidden windows (and
      potentially with arguments) for batch-like processing.
    2. Support calling AsYouWish from an
      context menu (or etc.) (like WebAppFind allows calling it from
      the desktop)
      1. atyourcommand could do this by invoking WebAppFind
        which invokes AYW with data or with a file?); how to prioritize AYW
        command line with WebAppFind command line? (pass args through?)
        Could use WebAppFind to allow a particular site to be opened
        in a hidden window, etc. for batch-like functionality (in this case,
        activated from the browser)
  11. Register a protocol which gets translated into AsYouWish requests, e.g.,
    especially for being able to override request or response headers (e.g., for
    HTTPQuery on a
    particular designated site (or file), perform XPath transformations, etc.
    (create FF add-on to allow users to remember these per site without protocol
    as well). Also option to auto-append to URL.
  12. Create adapters to work with node-webkit, Deskshell, AppJS, etc.
    APIs? (See Mozilla bug 855936 (and see also
    848647 for a related idea) for work that would
    help facilitate this.)
  13. Change AsYouWish.requestPrivs injection to "require" (hoping that especially
    RequireJS users will use another variable and that browserify can work with this!),
    or, better yet (especially if Node and the
    SDK begin to use it), use System.import() (ES6 modules).
  14. Incorporate AMO suggestion to integrate site-specific preferences with about:permissions (via
    or Services.jsm?) and also
    move JSON preferences like whitelisted privs out of the simple preferences which expose this to users; being tracked
    in issue 8.
  15. Optional, user-approved DOM/XUL escalation if possible: issue 4
  16. Add privileged file dialog saving as a custom module so websites do not need to ask for
    full chrome privileges to get this feature.
  17. Create a shared add-on dependency for WebAppFind and AsYouWish
    exposing perhaps at least for privilege escalation
    with some of the underlying non-SDK APIs (e.g., a privilege to save
    only to a specific directory if WebAppFind adds such a fundamental mode).
  18. Ensure some additional security/privacy for users desiring it by restricting external access (using and per
    See also regarding such sandboxing.
    Perhaps users could be directed to
    CSP policy directives
    or the
    add-on. Could also adapt or make new add-on to ensure site-sent headers
    could be translated into some kind of visual indicator to know when visiting
    such a site assuming CSP can prevent all remote requests including have
    safeguards if using a cache manifest to redeliver the HTML without CSP
    headers. Detect CSP using "http-on-examine-response" per
  19. Create frequently-used, granularly restricted APIs like informing the
    user which file or folder is being requested for write access, for universal
    read access, etc.
  20. More precise control by the user or site over namespaced shared storage.
    Besides allowing for dialogs asking permission regarding license, etc., the
    site might be enabled to store its data namespaced by site, and while still
    allowing open read capabilities by other sites, avoid allowing write access.
    While sites can already do this through providing postMessage access
    through their site, this latter proposal would bypass the need for the hosting
    site to be online or to otherwise govern the viewing (as opposed to editing)
    of the data. Also consider recommending ,
    as being discussed at
  21. If Mozilla supports more simple-prefs types
    types (or if we decide to add our own support; see
    this pull request
    on where the relevant code might need to be added), we might unhide the
    following options: "Allowed websites" and "Allowed and approved websites"
    might be replaced by a type which supported multiple select and arbitrary
    addition of URLs (including file:// URLs), "Whitelisted privileges" could be
    replaced by a simple multiple select string option, and "Addon websites"
    would be more complex to map to any simple type (unless JSON structures
    were to be given an editing UI) as it is not only a list of URLs but a map to
    meta-data on the site.
  22. Demo our own Ubiquity-lite by
    calling AsYouWish apps from Firefox's Awesome Bar using bookmark
    keywords to get arguments, and optionally use AsYouWish to do
    more sophisticated things like get data out of designated sites, batch
    process files, etc. Could leverage the same from shareable links by using
    a custom web protocol to link to an AsYouWish app which accepts arguments
    (making very sure that the AsYouWish app doesn't use privileged operations
    without user approval to avoid XSRF! attacks).
  23. One-time privilege permission (e.g., approve a copy to clipboard just
    for one time).
  24. Preference to indicate to user that a site sought privileges but is not
    enabled to even ask for them (this could prevent users from accidentally
    clicking to grant permission while still informing them of the site's
  25. File a bug to allow protocols to be associated with specific
    profiles (e.g., if one clicks web+mycalcapp, it can open a specific
    profile under which one has registered this app)?
  26. Add right-click option in Firefox to open tab in hidden window
    (esp. so it could be used to handle AYW tasks).
  27. Utilize system/child_process in place of x-subprocess?


The name dervies from what it allows (so users and developers can have convenience in apps not excessively circumscribed, even while taking into account security concerns) and is also a nod to the 25th anniversary to the film Princess Bride where this line was used in the film.