
Fork from audiocogs - DGPlayer which reads MP3 and FLAC - with playlist integration


Based on a DGPlayer Fork combined with audiocogs aurora with FLAC and MP3

Pure javascript, underscore is used for templating the playlist

Demo here

Playlist usage

Just pass into DGPlayer.playist an array of songs :

    DGPlayer.playlist = [
    						{name : "Song1 name", url : "http://localhost/media/mySong.mp3"}, 
    						{name : "Song2 name", url : "http://localhost/media/mySong.flac"}

Album usage

If you want to play an album, just pass artist, album and cover to DGPlayer.album :

    DGPlayer.album = {artist : 'Artist', album : 'Album', picture : 'http://localhost/img/avatar.jpeg'};

You might also set the playlist through the album by adding songs :

    DGPlayer.album = {
    					artist : 'Artist', 
    					album : 'Album', 
    					picture : 'http://localhost/img/avatar.jpeg', 
    					songs : [
    						{name : "Song1 name", url : "http://localhost/media/mySong.mp3"}, 
    						{name : "Song2 name", url : "http://localhost/media/mySong.flac"}

Adding, removing songs

Adding :

	DGPlayer.addSong =  {
                "name":"Jeux de vagues",
                "picture" : "medias/debussy.jpg"

Removing : just give the song index, or data-no attribute

    DGPlayer.removeSong = 2; //dummy example ofc

Built for ezseed2