
Discord Music Bot For Termux

ARTISTIC-2.0 License


Discord Music Bot For Termux

This bot can run in Android with termux or other OS Library: Discord.js



  • clone this repo
  • git clone
  • cd tmuxdcbot
  • npm install
  • pkg install ffmpeg


Set Discord Bot Token config.json

        "token": "TOKEN_KEY",
        "prefix": "!"

Admin Commands

  • listgroup: List groups that have admin access
  • addgroup [group_name]: Add a group to use admin access
  • remgroup [group_name]: Remove a group from admin access
  • setusername [NAME]: Set a username for the bot
  • setavatar [URL]: Set a avatar for the bot to use
  • setgame [name]: Sets the name of the game the bot is playing


  • about: About this bot
  • stats: View Stats
  • report: File a report
  • uptime: Uptime of the bot
  • source: Source link
  • invite: Get invite link for your bot
  • setvc: set the default voice channel this bot joins when ever the bot connects
  • join: Bot joins your voice channel


  • queue or playing: To view songs in queue
  • play [YT_URL]: Plays a song from a youtube link
  • play [index_number] : Plays a song from a file that has been saved to the bot
  • play [search key term]: Plays the first result of youtube search
  • play [playlist_name or playlist_index]: Loads a playlist to queue
  • play: Plays song in queue if it has been stopped
  • stop: Stops the song from playing
  • skip: Skips to the next song
  • replay: Stops and replays song from the start
  • readd: Adds the current song back into queue
  • loop: Loops the entire queue, putting the current song back into queue
  • local: Displays all the songs saved by the bot
  • remove [index_number]: Removes a specific song from queue
  • remove [#,#,#]: Removes specific songs from the queue using it's index numbers seperated by commas
  • save [YT_URL]: Saves a song from youtube and stores it
  • save: Saves current song to local instead of downloading it from YT (faster)
  • remlocal [index_number]: Removes a song that has been saved locally
  • playlist: List all playlist
  • playlist [playlist_index]: List the songs of a playlist
  • playlist save [playlist_name]: Saves everything that is queued into a playlist
  • playlist remove [playlist_index]: Removes a playlist
  • playlist remove [playlist_index] [playlist_track_index]: Removes a playlist track from specified playlist
  • playlist add [playlist_index] [YT_URL]: Adds YouTube track into a playlist without having it queued
  • playlist rename [playlist_name or playlist_index] [new_playlist_name]: Renames a playlist