
A light entity/component component system for JS game development

OTHER License


bindlestiff deprecated


A light entity/component system for building JavaScript games. Can easily be used alongside other libraries/modules such as d3, voxel.js, or three.js - if you're looking for something lighter still, the entity's mixin functionality is using bindle under the hood.


npm install bindlestiff


var bs = require('bindlestiff')
var ticker = require('ticker')

var manager = bs.manager()

var physical = bs.component('physical')
  .on('init', function() {
    this.pos[0] = this.spd[0] = 0
    this.pos[1] = this.spd[1] = 0
  .on('tick', function() {
    this.pos[0] += this.spd[0]
    this.pos[1] += this.spd[1]

var controllable = bs.component('controllable')
  .on('tick', function() {
    this.spd[0] = controls.down - controls.up
    this.spd[1] = controls.left - controls.right

var Player = bs.define()

var player = new Player


ticker(60, canvas).on('tick', function() {
  for (var i = 0; i < manager.instances.length; i += 1) {
}).on('draw', function() {
  for (var i = 0; i < manager.instances.length; i += 1) {



Components define the behavior of your entities: for example, a physical component could encapsulate all of your physics handling and a sprite component could take care of drawing the entity to the screen.

Components can set properties on their entities, or keep all of their scope in a closure. They can also react to events and attach tags to entity definitions.

component = bindlestiff.component(tags)

Defines a component. You can optionally pass one or more tags as a string or array of strings - these are used to label entity definitions so that entities can be filtered by type by the manager.

component.on('event', handler)

Assigns an event listener to this component. The component itself won't listen to this event, but any entities using this component will call handler when entity.trigger('event') is called.


Ensures that the entity definition this component is applied has been tagged with tag. If not, the component will throw an error. Note that order is important here, you should specify your dependent component after its dependencies.


Entities are the actual "things" in your game: bullets, enemies, players, blocks, etc. They're created by first defining them, then adding components and tags, and then instantiating them from the resulting class.

EntityDefinition = bindlestiff.define()

Creates a new EntityDefinition. This is essentially a class - you can extend it with components to add additional functionality, effectively getting multiple inheritance with less boilerplate and overhead.


Attaches a component to the entity definition. Note that components are actually just functions, and this is just syntactical sugar.


Tags any entities with tags.

EntityDefinition.on('event', handler)

Listen to events on these entities without having to create a new component.

entity = new EntityDefinition

After setting up the entity definition, you can create new entities as normal.

entity.trigger('event'[, args...])

Instead of attaching methods to an entity definition, it's helpful to use triggers. They're very similar to Node's EventEmitter with the exception of listeners being defined on the prototype rather then individual instances.

This way, you can trigger tick and draw on each entity every frame, and hook into these events with multiple components.


A manager helps organise and filter your entities, and while it's not necessary to use it should make your game loop cleaner.

manager = bindlestiff.manager()

Creates a new manager.


Adds a new entity to the manager.


Removes an entity from the manager.


Returns an array of entities that are tagged with tag.


Returns an array of entity definitions that are tagged with tag.