
ECS library for pixi.js. A-Frame for 2D.



2D version of A-Frame using pixi.js. Streamlined API.

DOM is used only for declarative initialization.

PFRAME.registerComponent('spin', {
  init: function (entity, data, app) {
    entity.container.rotation = 0;

  tick: function (delta) {
    this.entity.container.rotation += Math.PI / 180 * delta;

  <asset src="assets/spaceship.png"></asset>

  <entity sprite="src: assets/spaceship.png" scale="5 5" position="appWidth/2 appHeight/2" spin></entity>


API Description
PFRAME.ids Use to find an entity with an ID.
PFRAME.registerComponent init(entity, data, app), update(entity, data, app), tick(dt)
new PFRAME.Entity(app, id) Create an entity.
entity.addChild(entity) Add entity to entity.
entity.container Equivalent of el.object3D.
entity.emit / entity.on Events (synchronous).
entity.object Equivalent of el.getObject3D('mesh').
entity.setComponent(componentName, data) Initialize or update component.


Name Description
animation Same API as A-Frame.
collider Emits collisionstart and collisionend with other collider entities. Can set channel.
interactive Clickable.
layout X / Y margins.
position X / Y, supports evaling with appHeight.
rect Color, width, height.
rotation Value in degrees.
opacity Float.
scale X / Y scale based on current width / height.
slice9 Similar to sprite. Takes src, texture, left, top, right, bottom, width, height.
size Bound size of entity.
sprite Like a mesh in A-Frame. src with path to asset. Recommended to preload with <asset src>.
visible Boolean.