
sub-optimal regl-based bloom effect in nearly-vanilla WebGL

MIT License


Bloom Effect Example

regl-based bloom effect in nearly-vanilla WebGL


This example performs a bloom effect in WebGL using a separable Gaussian blur. To achieve a relatively smooth blur with relatively few passes, it downsamples the full-size framebuffer when computing the blur and performs blur passes of, for example, radius 32, 16, 8, 4, 2, and finally 1 pixel. That makes it not really an exact Gaussian blur, but seems to get the job done.

Please be advised that the goal here is not an optimal implementation of a bloom effect but more to present a way to implement post-processing effects like these effects in regl. I hope maybe this repo is useful for someone, but don't overestimate its value. 😄 The standard if you really want to perform real-time bloom seems to be some combination of mip-maps/image pyramids and Kawase's method.

Update: I've added an FFT implementation as well which performs a full convoution and uses some sort of star pattern instead of a gaussian kernel.

Live example


© 2020 Ricky Reusser. MIT License.