
TAP reporter as a browser devtool extension



A wrapper around tape that lets you run tests in the browser and see the results in a Chrome Devtools Tab if the extension is installed (install from Chrome Web Store).

Best used with babel-plugin-discard-module-references



browser-tap is just a 3 lines wrapper around tape providing the exact same API (might change, see the note below).

By default, browser-tap will output the results in the console, exactly like tape would do.

If you have the Chrome extension installed, you will be able to control and see a nice output of the test results.

Note: For the moment, tape relies on nodejs API and is only browser-compliant because it's compiled using browserify which provides the necessary polyfills.

Later, browser-tap will probably become a standalone natively browser compliant library exposing the exact same API instead of being a wrapper around tape.


npm i -S browser-tap

To use it, simply import browser-tap instead of tape (or use something like webpack resolve.alias to have that done automatically).


In the example folder, you'll find a project covering all the major aspects of unit testing a React application. You'll see how simple the configuration is.


browser-tap value relies greatly in the provided extension. It's not published yet but it's easy to build and install manually. See its README for guidance.

Install from Chrome Web Store