
Run TAP tests on every compile with webpack



Run TAP tests on every compile with webpack

This is a plugin for webpack that runs the generated output bundle with Node.js and parses the output as TAP. This works well with webpack --watch as it will run your tests every time a file changes.

Note: You should use the target: 'node' option in your webpack configuration as the generated output will be run with Node.js.

Using a TAP Reporter

By default this plugin will parse the TAP output and report any errors from the TAP output to webpack. If instead you want to pass the TAP output to a TAP reporter, just use the reporter option, like this:

new TapWebpackPlugin({ reporter: 'tap-spec' })

The reporter option specifies the command line for the reporter. It will be run in a shell, so you can pass arguments such as 'tap-spec --no-color'. Output from the TAP reporter will be written directly to the stdout of the webpack process. If the TAP reporter command exits with a non-zero exit code, the plugin will report an error to webpack.


// Your webpack.config.js
var TapWebpackPlugin = require('tap-webpack-plugin')

module.exports = {
  target: 'node',

  entry: ['./test'],

  output: {
    path: 'output',
    filename: 'test.js'

  plugins: [
    new TapWebpackPlugin(),

    // or with a reporter:
    new TapWebpackPlugin({ reporter: 'tap-spec' })
// test.js
var test = require('tape')

test('successful test', function (t) {
  t.equal(1, 1)

Example App

You can also generate your main application bundle and a test bundle by exporting an array of configuration objects in the webpack.config.js:

// Your webpack.config.js
var TapWebpackPlugin = require('tap-webpack-plugin')

module.exports = [
  // main bundle configuration
    entry: ['./main'],
    output: {
      path: 'output/dist',
      filename: 'main.js'

  // test bundle configuration
    target: 'node',

    entry: ['./test'],

    output: {
      path: 'output',
      filename: 'test.js'

    plugins: [
      new TapWebpackPlugin()

Then run webpack just like normal and your main bundle will be generated and your tests will be compiled and run, all in one command!

Extracted from project README
travis js-standard-style npm