
BrowserSync SystemJS / JSPM hot reload plugin with support of CSS, SCSS, SASS, LESS, Stylus, React and JavaScript

MIT License


BrowserSync SystemJS Hot Reloader

This plugin is compatible with hot reloader which is compatible with SystemJS v0.19.x only for now


  • BrowserSync plugin to watch file for changes and deliver events to
    SystemJS Hot Reloader
  • JavaScript / CSS hot reload (if css plugin supports reload)
  • Integrated CSS dependency tracker (SASS, SCSS, LESS, Stylus, CSS, PostCSS etc)
    based on progeny library
  • Resolves JSPM and NPM virtual paths in CSS imports
  • Designed to be used together with BrowserSync, JSPM, SystemJS and


  • Add tests
  • Use ES2015+
  • Reload assets
  • Better default error handler
  • Pass client side systemjs-hot-reloader options
  • Show BrowserSync notification on reload


npm install browser-sync bs-systemjs-hot-reloader --save-dev
jspm install npm:systemjs-hot-reloader-ex --dev


Please refer to systemjs-hot-reloader usage to setup client side reloader.

This example will hot reload *.scss and *.jsx and will do full reload for index.html and jspm.config.js.

var browserSync = require('browser-sync');
var bsSystemHotReloader = require('bs-systemjs-hot-reloader');

var bs = browserSync.create();[
]).on('change', bs.reload);

bs.use(bsSystemHotReloader, {
  files: [

  server: '.',
  online: false,
  open: false,
  reloadOnRestart: true


  • resolver - function (reloadFilename, sourceFilename) { return newFilename },
    not set by default. Custom resolver, which allow to send alternative filename
    to client side, for example, on src/module.js change you could send
    dist/modules.js to client side.
    If function returns true or undefined then original filename will be used.
    If function returns false then file change event will not be emitted to client.
    Otherwise file change event will be emitted with returned by function value.
  • files - standard BrowserSync plugin option to enable watch for changes
  • cssReloader - css reloader options, pass false to disable
    • loader - instance of SystemJS, default to SystemJS or System
    • jspmPrefix - JSPM prefix RegExp which could be used in CSS files to refer
      relative to JSPM imports, default to jspm:
    • npmPrefix- NPM prefix RegExp which could be used in CSS files to refer
      relative to NPM imports, default to npm:
    • nodeModulesDir - node_modules path, default to node_modules
    • supportsRegExp - RegExp for supported filenames, default to
    • handleAddEvent - enable add event handling, default to true
    • handleChangeEvent - enable change event handling, default to true
    • handleRemoveEvent - enable remove event handling, default to true
    • filterNoExport - enable filter reloads (for _*.scss), default to true
    • reloadsFilter - custom reloads filter function, default to undefined
    • rootPath - project root folder (where node_modules and jspm_packages),
      default to current work directory
    • progenyOptions - progeny options, default to {}
    • jspmRootDir - set JSPM root directory, default to rootPath
    • jspmPackagesDir - set path to jspm_packages, default to ./jspm_packages
    • jspmConfigFile - set path to system/jspm config, default to ./jspm.config.js
    • systemPath - set path to SystemJS library, default to
    • debug - enable debug mode, default to false