
Setup instructions for the Directus Pokemon DB


Current the Directus Cloud service does not have an import/export feature that includes all the data and files. So before you can try out the Fresh Pokemon code you will need to import the data and files manually into your own database.

Create The Database

  • Log-on Directus Cloud
  • Press Create to create a new database
  • Name the project 'pokemon' (or whatever you like)
  • Select Community Cloud as the database type
  • Select Empty Project as the starting template

Get the DB name

  • You will get an email with the database URL and the login details
  • From the URL given take the first part of the URL and use it as the DB name. For example, if the URL is then the DB name is c7swx88u.
  • In the browser, log-on to the new project

Setup the Admin User

  • Click on the Users tab in the left sidebar
  • Select the Admin user
  • Scroll down to Token field and click on the + button to generate a token, keep a record of this new token
  • Click on the check icon to save the updated Admin user record

Upload the images

  • Click on the Files tab on the left sidebar
  • Upload all the pokemon images in the pokemon folder into "Files" using drag and drop
  • You will probably get a 504 error, this is expected
  • Select 1000 from the number of files to show
  • Select any broken images and click on the trash icon to remove them

Get all the file data

  • In the Files tab on the right hand sidebar select Import/Export
  • Click on Export Items
  • Select JSON as the format
  • Select limit of 1000 from the Limit dropdown
  • Click on the Download File button to download the JSON file
  • Move the downloaded file into this directory and rename it files.json
  • Run the following command in the terminal:
node add-images.js

This will take the existing pokemon.json file and add the image IDs to it and create a new file called pokemon-with-images.json

Create the Pokemon Collection

  • Click on the Content icon on the left sidebar
  • Click on Create Collection
  • Name the collection pokemon
  • Click on Finish setup to build the collection
  • Click on Create Fields multiple times to add these fields to the collection
Key Interface Type
name input field string
type tags
hp input field integer
attack input field integer
defense input field integer
special_attack input field integer
special_defense input field integer
speed input field integer
image image

Import the data

  • Click on the Content icon on the left sidebar
  • Select Import/Export on the right sidebar
  • Click on the Import button
  • Select the pokemon-with-images.json file
  • Click on the Start Import button
  • Select one of the pokemon to ensure that the images are linked

Create another user with read-only permissions

If you are just playing around with stuff locally you can use the admin key. But if you want to share the code around you should create a user that has read-only permissions so that your data won't be corrupted (or worse). To make a read-only user follow the instructions below:

  • Click on the Users icon on the left sidebar

  • Click on the + button to create a new user

  • Specify a name and email for the user

  • Scroll down and generate a token for the user and save it

  • Click the Save button to save the user

  • Click on the user and click on the Role button with the + to create a new role

  • Name the role readonly

  • Click on the save button for the user

  • Click on the Gear icon to bring up the settings page

  • Click on Roles & Permissions

  • Select the readonly role

  • On the Permissions table click on the icon under the eye then select All Access

  • Open the System Collections spinner to open up the system collections

  • Add the eye permission to Directus Files

Your project is ready to use.