
Generates an HTML color palette from SASS or Stylus source.


Generate HTML color palette from SASS/SCSS or Stylus stylesheets.

So that these...

// app/css/scss.scss
$red: #e35256;

// app/css/sass.sass
green: rgb(141, 181, 23)

// app/css/stylus.styl
blue = #0073bA

Becomes these...

Getting Started

This plugin requires Grunt.

If you haven't used Grunt before, be sure to check out the Getting Started guide, as it explains how to create a Gruntfile as well as install and use Grunt plugins. Once you're familiar with that process, you may install this plugin with either Bower or NPM:

bower install palettable --save-dev
npm install palettable --save-dev

Once the plugin has been installed, it may be enabled inside your Gruntfile with this line of JavaScript:


This plugin also makes use of the TinyColor JavaScript library. Special thanks to Brian Grinstead!


In your project's Gruntfile, add a section named palettable to the data object passed into grunt.initConfig(). Although Palettable does not require any configuration settings it is recommended to specify the location of your project's stylesheets as follows:

  palettable: {
    options: {
      stylesDirectory: 'app/css/',
      excludedFiles: '**/kss.scss'
      // Optional configuration options go here

See below for a complete list of configuration options.

Which formats are supported?

This plugin supports SASS (both SASS and SCSS varieties) as well as Stylus. The following table illustrates what types of color variables the plugin will recognize:

SASS SCSS Styuls  
$red: #FF0000 $red: #FF0000; red = #FF0000
$red: #F00 $red: #F00; red = #F00
$red: rgb(255,0,0) $red: rgb(255,0,0); red = rgb(255,0,0)
$red: rgba(255,0,0,1) $red: rgba(255,0,0,1); red = rgba(255,0,0,1)
$red: red $red: red; red = blue x
$color: $other-color $color: $other-color; color = other-red x
border-color: #F00 border-color: #F00; border-color #F00 x

Not that with the above rgb/rgba examples, spacing between the rgb values is ignored. With rgba() variables the alpha channel is also ignored.

Configuration Options


Type: String; Default .

This is the base directory for all of your SASS/SCSS files. Grunt will recurse this directory looking for color variables.


Type: String; Default null

Here you can specify the file(s) you want to exclude from the process. Grunt will ignore those files.


Type: String; Default color-palette.html

Color palette HTML output will be written to this file.


Type: String; Defaults to bundled template.

Customize this template to control the presentation of an individual color-swatch. This type of template can be injected with multiple parameters. Refer to section Customizing HTML swatches template below.


Type: String; Defaults to bundled template.

Customize this template to override the layout and/or CSS styles of the color palette HTML. Refer to section Customizing Layout template below.


Type: Function; Optionally overrides built-in hover conversion

This function receives a single parameter (a tinycolor instance) and should return the same. The default implementation is as follows:


Type: Function; Optionally overrides built-in tint conversion

This function receives a single parameter (a tinycolor instance) and should return the same. The default implementation is as follows:

function tintColor( color ) {
  return tinycolor({ h: color.toHsv().h, s: 10, v: 99 });


Type: Function; Optionally overrides built-in shade conversion

This function receives a single parameter (a tinycolor instance) and should return the same. The default implementation is as follows:

function shadeColor( color ) {
  return color.clone().darken(15);


Type: Function; Optionally overrides built-in color sort

This is not a JavaScript sort function, but a function that computes the sort-weight. It receives a single parameter (a tinycolor object) and should return a numeric value. For example, a simple implementation that sorts based on hue would look like:

function hoverColor( color ) {
  return color.toHsv().h;

For more infomration on JavaScript sorting refer to the w3 schools documentation.


Type: Boolean; Defaults to false

Automatically opens the default system web browser to the newly-created color palette on completion.

Customizing HTML templates

Layout template

If you choose to override the default templateLayoutPath your template must declare a swatchesHtml variable as follows:

  <%= swatchesHtml %>

Swatches template

If you choose to override the default templateSwatchPath your template can make use of the following variables:

  • color: Hex value of color variable
  • contrastColor: High-contrast variation of the main swatch color; good for primary text
  • lowContrastColor: Low-contrast variation of the main swatch color; good for secondary text
  • fileName: Name of file in which the color variable is defined
  • variableName: Name of variable that defines this color
  • hoverColor: Color variation subtable for a hover transition
  • tintColor: Color variation subtable for complimentary background transition
  • shadeColor: Color variation subtable for a click/active transition

Variables are inserted into the template using grunt.template.process and should be declared as follows:

<div class="name" style="background-color: <%= color %>; color: <%= contrastColor %>;">
  <%= variableName %>


In lieu of a formal styleguide, take care to maintain the existing coding style. Add unit tests for any new or changed functionality. Lint and test your code using Grunt.

Release History

2017-05-02   v1.1.0   Added a parameter to exclude specific file(s). 2014-07-14   v1.0.0   Initial release. Full SASS and Stylus support.


Copyright (c) 2014 Brian Vaughn. Licensed under the MIT license.