
CakePHP in Utility.Hash class like a collection manipulation. In JavaScript.

MIT License



CakePHP in Utility.Hash class like a collection manipulation. In JavaScript. Work in IE9+ and modern browser. And Node.js.


Array and Object management, if done right, can be a very powerful and useful tool for building smarter, more optimized code. CakeHash offers a very useful set of static utilities in the Hash class that allow you to do just that.


⭕ Supports the following methods.

  • get
  • extract
  • insert
  • remove
  • combine
  • check
  • flatten
  • expand
  • map
  • reduce

❌ Does not support the following methods.

  • format
  • contains
  • filter
  • merge
  • numeric
  • dimensions
  • maxDimensions
  • apply
  • sort
  • diff
  • mergeDiff
  • normalize
  • nest

Please use underscore.js and lodash.js instead.


via NPM

$ npm install cake-hash --save


import CakeHash from "cake-hash"



  1. Download the cake-hash.min.js.
  2. Load it in the script tag.
<script src="cake-hash.min.js"></script>




The path syntax described below is used by all the methods in Hash. Not all parts of the path syntax are available in all methods. A path expression is made of any number of tokens. Tokens are composed of two groups. Expressions, are used to traverse the array data, while matchers are used to qualify elements. You apply matchers to expression elements.

Expression Types

Expression Definition
{n} Represents a numeric key. Will match any string or numeric key.
{s} Represents a string. Will match any string value including numeric string values.
Foo Matches keys with the exact same value.

All expression elements are supported by all methods. In addition to expression elements, you can use attribute matching with certain methods.

Attribute Matching Types

Matcher Definition
[id] Match elements with a given array key.
[id=2] Match elements with id equal to 2.
[id!=2] Match elements with id not equal to 2.
[id>2] Match elements with id greater than 2.
[id>=2] Match elements with id greater than or equal to 2.
[id<2] Match elements with id less than 2
[id<=2] Match elements with id less than or equal to 2.
[text=/.../] Match elements that have values matching the regular expression inside ....

Escape the separator

The separator in path syntax can be escaped by using the \.

Example :

const data = {
  "index.html": {
    css: {
      "style.css": "* {box-sizing: border-box}"

let result = CakeHash.get(data, "index\\\\.css");
console.log(result); // * {box-sizing: border-box}


get(data, path, [defaultValue = null])

data : array | object path : string defaultValue : mixed return : mixed

get() is a simplified version of extract(), it only supports direct path expressions. Paths with {n}, {s} or matchers are not supported. Use get() when you want exactly one value out of an array.

let users = [
  {id: 1, name: "mark"},
  {id: 2, name: "jane"},
  {id: 3, name: "sally"},
  {id: 4, name: "jose"}

let result = CakeHash.get(users, "");
console.log(result); // "sally"

result = CakeHash.get(users, "hoge.fuga", "default!!");
console.log(result); // default!!

extract(data, path)

data : array | object path : string return: mixed

CakeHash.extract() supports all expression, and matcher components of Hash Path Syntax. You can use extract to retrieve data from arrays, along arbitrary paths quickly without having to loop through the data structures. Instead you use path expressions to qualify which elements you want returned.

let users = [
  {id: 1, name: "mark"},
  {id: 2, name: "jane"},
  {id: 3, name: "sally"},
  {id: 4, name: "jose"}

let result = CakeHash.extract(users, "{n}.id");
console.log(result); // [1, 2, 3, 4]

insert(data, path, [value = null])

data : array | object path : string value : mixed return: mixed

Inserts data into an array or object as defined by path.

let data = {
  pages: {name: "page"}

let result = CakeHash.insert(data, "files", {name: "file"});
  pages: {name: "page"},
  files: {name: "file"}

You can use paths using {n} and {s} to insert data into multiple points.

users = CakeHash.insert(users, "{n}.new", "value");

Attribute matchers work with insert() as well.

let data = [
  {up: true, item: {id: 1, title: "first"}},
  {item: {id: 2, title: "second"}},
  {item: {id: 3, title: "third"}},
  {up: true, item: {id: 4, title: "fourth"}},
  {item: {id: 5, title: "fifth"}}

let result = CakeHash.insert(data, "{n}[up].item[id=4].new", 9);
  {up: true, item: {id: 1, title: "first"}},
  {item: {id: 2, title: "second"}},
  {item: {id: 3, title: "third"}},
  {up: true, item: {id: 4, title: "fourth", new: 9}},
  {item: {id: 5, title: "fifth"}}

remove(data, path)

data : array | object path : string return: mixed

Removes all elements from an array or object that match path.

let data = {
  pages: {name: "page"},
  files: {name: "file"}

let result = CakeHash.remove(data, "files");
  pages: {name: "page"}

Using {n} and {s} will allow you to remove multiple values at once. You can also use attribute matchers with remove().

let data = [
  {clear: true, item: {id: 1, title: "first"}},
  {item: {id: 2, title: "second"}},
  {item: {id: 3, title: "third"}},
  {clear: true, item: {id: 4, title: "fourth"}},
  {item: {id: 5, title: "fifth"}}

let result = CakeHash.remove(data, "{n}[clear].item[id=4]");
  {clear: true, item: {id: 1, title: "first"}},
  {item: {id: 2, title: "second"}},
  {item: {id: 3, title: "third"}},
  {clear: true},
  {item: {id: 5, title: "fifth"}}

combine(data, keyPath, [valuePath = null, groupPath = null])

data : array | object keyPath : string valuePath : string groupPath : string return: array | object

Creates an associative array using a keyPath as the path to build its keys, and optionally valuePath as path to get the values. If valuePath is not specified, or doesn’t match anything, values will be initialized to null. You can optionally group the values by what is obtained when following the path specified in groupPath.

let data = [
    user: {
      id: 2,
      group_id: 1,
      data: {
        user: "mariano.iglesias",
        name: "Mariano Iglesias"
    user: {
      id: 14,
      group_id: 2,
      data: {
        user: "phpnut",
        name: "Larry E. Masters"

let result = CakeHash.combine(data, "{n}");
[2: null, 14: null]

result = CakeHash.combine(data, "{n}", "{n}");
  2: {
    user: "mariano.iglesias",
    name: "Mariano Iglesias"
  14: {
    user: "phpnut",
    name: "Larry E. Masters"

result = CakeHash.combine(data, "{n}", "{n}");
[2: "Mariano Iglesias", 14: "Larry E. Masters"]

result = CakeHash.combine(data, "{n}", "{n}", "{n}.user.group_id");
  1: {
    2: {
      name: "Mariano Iglesias",
      user: "mariano.iglesias"
  2: {
    14: {
      name: "Larry E. Masters",
      user: "phpnut"

result = CakeHash.combine(data, "{n}", "{n}", "{n}.user.group_id");
  1: {
    2: "Mariano Iglesias"
  2: {
    14: "Larry E. Masters"

check(data, path)

data : array | object path : string return: boolean

Checks if a particular path is set in an array or object.

let data = {
  "My Index 1": {
    first: "The first item"

let result = CakeHash.check(data, "My Index 1.first");
console.log(result); // true

result = CakeHash.check(data, "My Index 1");
console.log(result); // true

data = {
  "My Index 1": {
    first: {
      second: {
        third: {
          fourth: "Heavy. Nesting."

result = CakeHash.check(data, "My Index 1.first.second");
console.log(result); // true

result = CakeHash.check(data, "My Index 1.first.second.third");
console.log(result); // true

result = CakeHash.check(data, "My Index 1.first.second.third.fourth");
console.log(result); // true

result = CakeHash.check(data, "My Index 1.first.seconds.third.fourth");
console.log(result); // false

flatten(data, separator = ".")

data : array | object separator : string return: array | object

Collapses a multi-dimensional array or object into a single dimension.

let data = [
    post: {id: 1, title: "First Post"},
    author: {id: 1, user: "Kyle"}
    post: {id: 2, title: "Second Post"},
    author: {id: 3, user: "Crystal"}

let result = CakeHash.flatten(data);
  ""    : 1,
  "" : "First Post",
  ""  : 1,
  "": "Kyle",
  ""    : 2,
  "" : "Second Post",
  ""  : 3,
  "": "Crystal"

expand(data, separator = ".")

data : array | object separator : string return: array | object

Expands an array or object that was previously flattened with CakeHash.flatten().

let data = {
  ""    : 1,
  "" : "First Post",
  ""  : 1,
  "": "Kyle",
  ""    : 2,
  "" : "Second Post",
  ""  : 3,
  "": "Crystal"

let result = CakeHash.expand(data);
    post: {id: 1, title: "First Post"},
    author: {id: 1, user: "Kyle"}
    post: {id: 2, title: "Second Post"},
    author: {id: 3, user: "Crystal"}

map(data, path, callback)

data : array | object path : string callback : function return: array | object

Creates a new array or object, by extracting path, and mapping callback across the results. You can use both expression and matching elements with this method.

let data = [
  {user: {id: 1, name: "Adam"}},
  {user: {id: 2, name: "Clyde"}},
  {user: {id: 3, name: "Cyril"}},
  {user: {id: 4, name: "Thomas"}},
  {user: {id: 5, name: "William"}}

let result =, "{n}", (id) => id * 2);
console.log(result); // [2, 4, 6, 8, 10]

reduce(data, path, callback)

data : array | object path : string callback : function return: array | object

Creates a single value, by extracting path, and reducing the extracted results with callback. You can use both expression and matching elements with this method.

let data = [
  {user: {id: 1, name: "Adam"}},
  {user: {id: 2, name: "Clyde"}},
  {user: {id: 3, name: "Cyril"}},
  {user: {id: 4, name: "Thomas"}},
  {user: {id: 5, name: "William"}}

let result = CakeHash.reduce(data, "{n}", (one, two) => one + two);
console.log(result); // 15




Licensed under the MIT license.


Initialization of the project.

$ cd /your/project/dir
$ git clone

Install some dependencies.

$ npm install

Start the development.

$ npm start

Run lint and testing.

$ npm test

Generates build file.

$ npm run build