
Fixes your dataset according to your rules.

MIT License


⛓️ honst

The name: I wanted it to be "honest", but it was occupied, so I removed a letter, and it became "honst".

Data Integrity fixer for an object matrix.

Use Cases

  • On editing a joined matrix data needs the data integrity to be kept.
  • Keeping your local state correct.


You can play with honst on CodeSandbox:


const data = [
  { username: "johndoe", name: "John", surname: "Doe", age: "22" },
  { username: "johndoe", name: "John", surname: "Doe", age: "25" },
  { username: "johndoe2", name: "John", surname: "Doe", age: "22" },
  { username: "johndoe2", name: "John", surname: "Doez", age: "22" },

According to username field, there are many integrity issues around the array. So let honst fix these:

  { username: "johndoe", name: "John", surname: "Doe", age: 22 },
-  { username: "johndoe", name: "John", surname: "Doe", age: 25 },
+  { username: "johndoe", name: "John", surname: "Doe", age: 22 },
  { username: "johnapple", name: "John", surname: "Apple", age: 29 },
- { username: "johnapple", name: "John", surname: "Orange", age: 22 },
+ { username: "johnapple", name: "John", surname: "Apple", age: 29 },
  1. Referencing to data[0].username, name, surname, and age should be John, Doe and 22.
  2. But data[1].age is 25 and it should be fixed.
  3. Referencing to data[3].username, name, surname, and age should be John, Apple and 29.
  4. But data[1].age is 25, data[1].surname is Orange and these should be fixed as well.

honst simply fixes these integrity issues.


Install using npm or yarn:

npm install honst
# or
yarn add honst

Now you can start:

import { honst } from 'honst';

const { data, delta } = honst({
  data: [
    { username: "johndoe", name: "John", surname: "Doe", age: "22" },
    { username: "johndoe", name: "John", surname: "Doe", age: "25" }
  pivot: 0,     // an index number, "scan" or "reverse-scan"
  delta: true,  // boolean
  rules: {
    // the ruleset of integrity
    // e.g. we want all names, surnames and ages to be same according to "username"
    name: ["username"],
    surname: ["username"],
    age: ["username"],

This will generate following data:

const fixedData = {
  data: [
    { username: "johndoe", name: "John", surname: "Doe", age: "22" },
    { username: "johndoe", name: "John", surname: "Doe", age: "22" },
  delta: [
      candidatePath: "age", // the path of the field
      falseValue: "25", // the wrong value
      candidateValue: "22", // the candidate value
      pivot: 0, // the pivot row index
      candidateIndex: 1, // the false row index

Scanning and Reverse Scanning

Just pass pivot value scan or reverse-scan.

If you want to fix all the rows from top-down or bottom-up, this will scan the data and fix'em all.

const { data, delta } = honst({
  data: [
    { username: "johndoe", name: "John", surname: "Doe", age: "22" },
    { username: "johndoe", name: "John", surname: "Doe", age: "25" },
    { username: "johndoe2", name: "John", surname: "Doe", age: "22" },
    { username: "johndoe2", name: "John", surname: "Doez", age: "22" },
  pivot: "scan",
  delta: true,
  rules: {
    name: ["username"],
    surname: ["username"],
    age: ["username"],

This will generate the following:

const fixedData = [
  { username: "johndoe", name: "John", surname: "Doe", age: "22" },
  { username: "johndoe", name: "John", surname: "Doe", age: "22" },
  { username: "johndoe2", name: "John", surname: "Appleseed", age: "22" },
  { username: "johndoe2", name: "John", surname: "Appleseed", age: "22" },

If you select scan the upper rows will be fixed first, and matching rows below will be updated accordingly. If you select reverse-scan it'll start fixing from bottom and scan to the top, so the bottom rows will be assumed correct.

Nested Objects?

Yes it supports nested objects as well.

const { data, delta } = honst({
  data: [
    // ... some nested data
  rules: {
    'user.name': ["account.username"],
    'user.surname': ["account.username"],
    'profile.age': ["account.username"],


Name What's? Type Value
data list to check Array object[]
rules determines which area the areas will be controlled according to. Array object
pivot the index of the data considered correct in the list. Number or String `number
delta Used to get information about data corrected as a result of the operations Boolean boolean (Optional)

Result in delta :

candidatePath modified path
falseValue modified incorrect value
candidateValue new value
pivot correct value index in data
candidateIndex modified value index in data


  • Clone and edit the source as you wish.
  • Please do not forget to add tests.
  • Write a descriptive PR.


This project uses MIT license.