
Minimal camera utilities for 2D and 3D Canvas/WebGL



cam3d is a small module for working with 3D in WebGL, DOM, or 2D Canvas. It will be the basis for higher-level APIs down the road, but also stands on its own if you need basic 3D effects or low-level control over your scenegraph (e.g. working with Canvas gradients, clipping, etc).

code snippet

var cam = new PerspectiveCamera(fieldOfView, viewportWidth, viewportHeight);

cam.position.set(10, 50, -100); //change camera position
cam.lookAt(0, 0, 0); //Look at (0, 0, 0) origin
cam.up.set(0, 1, 0); //Adjust up-vector
cam.update(); //update matrices

... for WebGL ....
	//upload the Float32Array
	gl.uniformMatrix4fv(location, false, cam.projection.val); 

... for Canvas ...
	//project the 3D position into a 2D screen-space position
	cam.project( position, outVec );

	//draw something at that location
	context.fillRect(outVec.x, outVec.y, 10, 10);


See the wiki for now.

live examples

Click the images to see the demos.

![Image]( Window) a rotating 3D window with snow outside -- source code

![Image]( Window) spinning 3D particles -- source code


cam3d and its related modules (like vecmath) are still a work in progress; more documentation will be added soon.

The tools are intended to be decoupled from higher-level functionality, like WebGL features. If you are looking for a WebGL module, you can use these modules together with kami or another WebGL renderer. Some other modules that may be useful in the future:

  • Efficient sprite tinting for Canvas 2D (currently in development)
  • Higher-level 3D features, like depth-testing, texture-mapped triangles, lighting, etc.
  • A unified API for loading sprites with WebGL and 2D Canvas
  • Hit-detection and ray picking for 3D