
Rendering ecosystem using Node style packaging


Upcoming v1.0.0 Changes

Kami is now breaking into small and composable modules that will be published separately to NPM. Most new work is under the stackgl ecosystem. However, some higher-level 2D game abstractions may be eventually built on top of these modules under the kami namespace.


Kami is a fast and lightweight WebGL sprite rendering framework.

It is ideal for tinkering with WebGL, building your game engine on top of, or writing applications that require low-level control over vertex data, textures, and so forth.

This library is still in development.


Kami API Docs


Here is an example using Node style requires and browserify:

//require the necessary classes from the 'kami' module
var AssetManager = require('kami').AssetManager;
var SpriteBatch = require('kami').SpriteBatch;

var WebGLContext = require('kami').WebGLContext;

var width = 256;
var height = 256;

//create our webGL context..
//this will manage viewport and context loss/restore
var context = new WebGLContext(width, height);

//add the GL canvas to the DOM

//Create a new batcher for 2D sprites
var batch = new SpriteBatch(context);

//Create a new texture. This will load the URL asynchronously
var tex0 = new Texture(context, "img/mysprite.png");

//kami aliases some Texture GLenums for convenience

//Start our render loop

function render() {

	var gl = context.gl;

	//clear the GL canvas

	//start the batch...

	//draw the texture at (75, 75) with a size of 100x100
	batch.draw(tex0, 75, 75, 100, 100);

	//draw it some other places
	batch.draw(tex0, 0, 0, 15, 25);
	batch.draw(tex0, 100, 100);

	//flush sprites to GPU


The demos are hosted in another package, see here: https://github.com/mattdesl/kami-demos

Using without Node

If you aren't using Node and require() statements, you can grab the UMD build at build/kami.js.

Most of the code looks exactly the same, except all of Kami's objects are exported onto a global kami namespace. The dependencies are also exported on the namespace, for convenience. See here:

<script src="kami.js"></script>
	var context = new kami.WebGLContext(width, height);
	var batch = new kami.SpriteBatch(context);

	//js-signals dependency is on Kami namespace, too:
	var Signal = new kami.Signal();

	//so is "klasse" utility library, but aliased to Class:
	var MyClass = new kami.Class({
		//... class definition ...//

Road Map / TODOs

  • WebGL2 utils: compressed textures (done, see kami-demos), texture arrays, float textures, instanced draws, etc.
  • Cube maps and other Texture utils
  • clean up asset loading and kami-assets
  • MRTs for FrameBuffer utility (WebGL2)
  • SpriteBatch should use matrices (projeciton/transform)
  • SpriteBatch needs rotation