
This project contains tooling for Chainlink local development.

MIT License


Chainlink Dev

This project contains tooling for Chainlink local development. It builds upon existing tooling and depends upon their conventions (e.g. Ganache running at default port 7545).


This project has a number of dependencies, including but not limited to: Node.js, Ganache and Docker.


Before using this project, start a Ganache workspace that includes ./truffle/truffle-config.js from this project and serves on all interfaces (

Run npm start to migrate the Truffle contracts and start a Chainlink node that is connected to Ganache.

Run npm run truffle:init-setup to fund the deployed Chainlink client contract with LINK, fund your Chainlink node with ETH and give the address of your Chainlink node fulfillment permissions on the deployed oracle contract.

Use your web browser and the Chainlink node web UI (localhost:6688) to add the following job to your Chainlink node

  "initiators": [
      "type": "runlog",
      "params": {
  "tasks": [
      "type": "httpget"
      "type": "jsonparse"
      "type": "multiply"
      "type": "ethuint256"
      "type": "ethtx"

Replace <YOUR_ORACLE_CONTRACT_ADDRESS> with your oracle contract address, enclosed in quotation marks. You can find this value on the configuration page for your Chainlink node.

The credentials to login to the Chainlink node are [email protected]/password.

Run npm run remix:truffle to start a remixd server that will enable you to interact with your Truffle contracts via the Remix web IDE. Use the Remix interface to connect Remix to Ganache and remixd. Open the GanacheChainlinkClient contract and edit the import statements to allow Remix to resolve the dependencies from GitHub and compile your contract. You will probably need to change the compiler version that Remix is using in order for compilation to succeed. Once the contract has compiled, get the address of the deployed GanacheChainlinkClient contract from Ganache and use it to load the deployed contract in Remix. Use your Chainlink node's oracle address and the ID of the job you created to invoke the requestEthereumPrice function on the deployed GanacheChainlinkClient contract. Click the transact button multiple times in order to consume all the LINK your contract was funded with and force your transactions through the mock Ganache blockchain. Use the Chainlink node web UI to confirm that your job runs completed and are no longer in a pending state. Once at least one run of your job has completed, use Remix to view the value of the currentPrice state variable on the deployed GanacheChainlinkClient contract.

Run npm run stop to shutdown the Chainlink node.