
A bot for countdown a discord voice channel, until other members can connect to it.

MIT License


Voice Channel Countdown

A bot for countdown a discord voice channel, until other members can connect to it.


This bot can run the following commands (and more like help):

  • bound: Bound a voice channel to this bot. The bot will set the name of the channel to Join in [time],
    where [time] represents the time until a given js date format. Every five minutes the bot will rename the channel with the new remaining time.
    If the remaining time is nearly zero, the bot will rename the channel to JOIN NOW and finish its process.\
  • create: Same as bound, but the bot will create an own voice channel instead of bounding to an existent
  • stop: Stop all running timers.


  • You need node.js installed.
  • You need a Discord API Bot with its token.
  • You need a Discord server on which you can set permissions, so you can invite the bot and give it the following permissions:
    • Manage Channels
    • Send Messages


  1. Download the code
  2. Rename the configuration file (/config/config-template.json) from config-template.json to config.json
  3. Open the configuration file (now config.json) and set:
    • your bots prefix
    • your bots token
    • your admin id's: Enter a discord user id in quotation marks and separate several with a comma [ "<id>", "<id>", ..., "<id>"].
      These are the only users who have the permission to execute the commands of this bot.
    • Set bot_id to the bot role id in the server (or to a role id, the bot holds).
    • OPTIONAL: Change lang from en to de for german instead of english language.
    • OPTIONAL: Set a log channel: Set log to true and set the channel_id of the wanted channel.
  4. Run npm install.


Run index.js with npm start or node index.js.