
A Tweetdeck inspired RSS reader for


Web Dev Deck πŸ’―

Inspired by River of news, but HTTPs only and a PWA.

Attempt to create a PWA that is a news reader that renders on the server and on the client using all the same templating and logic.


  • Client logic in SW is now shared with the Server logic [done]
  • Templating is done via streaming templates [done]
  • Use WhatWG streams in node. [done]
  • Need to clean up a lot. [errrr.....]
  • Configuration file should really be an OPML file. [todo]
  • Cache fetched data on the client and server [done]
  • To render the client it still needs JS turned on. Investigate server
    load of RSS feeds.
    • This is done in the SW, will use on Server soon.


If possible the server logic and the client logic should be near exactly the same.

Ideally configured via a OPML file that defines the columns, that links to other OPML files that contain the feeds that should be aggregrated in this.


  • The UI should render the structure without JS. Ideally after this has been
    rendered, I can stream in the first batch of aggreagated and merged feeds.
  • The UI should then take over and update the feeds in the client as much as
  • On reload, the server should not be hit at all, save for any updates to the
    OPML file. In an ideal world, the SW would be doing the work.

Technical hitches: We are going to have to proxy the RSS feed requests.