
A fully client-side playground for the cognate programming language.

MIT License


Cognate Playground

Canonical instance:

An interactive playground for Cognate that uses a JavaScript implementation of Cognate.

It currently supports about 90% of all builtins from the C prelude, and all types except IO. Discrepancies of this implementation that can be illustrated by tests can be found with XFAIL markers in the tests directory.

Files of interest

  • index.html
  • cognate.js -- the parser, linter, and runtime
  • main.js -- the rest of the app excluding the editor
  • editor/* -- code relating to the editor component
  • public/tree-sitter.{js,wasm} -- from tree-sitter releases
  • public/tree-sitter-cognate.wasm -- built from
  • public/prelude.cog -- definitions of various built-in functions. copied from the
    Cognate repo with only I/O builtins commented out. eventually it will simply
    link to the prelude.cog file from the Cognate repo.


The runtime and cognate implementation

  • Working interpreter
  • Escape HTML
  • Proper "types"
  • Scoping
  • Support symbols and floats
  • Support Set (temporarily) to update values from outer scope
  • Function shadowing
  • Fix lexical scoping
  • Support List
  • Support hoisting
  • Allow shadowing things in the prelude and builtins
  • Fix Print; Add Show
  • Update Prelude from upstream
  • Add Stack
  • Add string methods
  • Support Box and a proper Set
  • String escape sequences
  • Prevent stack overflows
  • Explore optimization options, consider feasibility of transpiling to JS or using bytecode
  • Standard library coverage
  • Closures
  • Tests
  • Consider using something like decimal.js for floating point precision
  • Mock I/O
  • Table

The Playground

  • Presets of example code
  • Save input in localstorage
  • Live syntax highlighting
  • [perf] Collect all tokens to be highlighted, and dispatch them in batch
  • [perf] Avoid re-evaluating the prelude each time
  • [perf] Send edits to tree-sitter instead
  • Use worker thread for the runtime
  • Allow stopping current execution with a button
  • Auto-eval after a timeout, merging several successive edits in one
  • (1) Highlight references of functions in scope
  • Show parser errors inline in the editor
  • More informative runtime errors
    • Format the traceback similar to Python (or Web Console)
    • Collapse recursive calls and show surrounding code(?)
    • Clicks on symbols can navigate to the definition/reference in the editor
  • Fix (1); highlight with static analysis rather than at runtime
  • [perf] Find ways to accurately cache for (1)
  • Handle failure to fetch prelude
  • Fix tree-sitter edit conversions for pair wrapping (editor feature)
  • Editor settings
    • Tooltip hints
    • Autocomplete
    • Tab handling
    • Auto eval - if not, show a Run button
  • Lint for possible missing semicolons
  • Special function, (or just Print) that allows exploring data structures
    interactively (similar to the Web Console) - but retain cognac behaviour with