
A Clojure Interpreter written in JS

GPL-3.0 License



(apply str (interpose " " (list "My" "attempt" "at" "making" "a" "lisp")))

// Output: "My attempt at making a lisp"

Instructions to setup the repo

  • Fork this respository
  • Clone that forked repository
  • Make sure you have npm and node installed. Install or upgrade v10 Node at the very least.
  • Use npm install to install dependencies.
  • Useful commands are present in the Makefile to run, build and run-tests.
  • Make a Pull Request!


As of now, only some methods have been added which can be evaluated. But yes, over time I hope to keep building on this.

The functions and most of the syntax is going to be based off of Clojure. If you've not encountered it yet, have a look.

Use the Makefile to run the REPL.

If you'd like then, leave some comments on anything that you feel can be bettered or changed.


Core Lib Functions

The list of functions that are supported are mentioned here

More & more functions will be supported soon! You could also help build some if interested!

Runtime Env.

    On my machine, I'm developing the program using
    Node: v10.16.0


There's post by the Norvig in which he creates a lisp interpreter using Python. It's only a coincidence that the one I'm building is also known as lispy. But yeah, check the article anyway if you're not interested in this repo.